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I don't watch a lot of tv shows, it's usually on cartoons for the kids. Three shows I've watched religiously, every season and episode are Hell On Wheels, Justified, and Vikings. Haven't saw the new season of Justified yet though, don't get that channel and netflix, huluplus don't have it. I have a friend that tapes them all and gives me them when the season is over, have to watch it on a old vcr Lol!
Yup, I taped the whole Last (erg!) season of Justified,awesome. The Black List is really good too, love James Spader. I didn't have time to start watching The Americans but heard it was good. One guy (can't remember name) was also in The West Wing which was a good show too.
For funny, I must admit to liking Archer too. :) Allie McBeal (sp?) was a good show too.
I miss Desperate House Wives, Brothers and Sisters with Sally Fields and Rescue Me, about firemen with Dennis Leary.

Thanks for letting us talk about more stuff Diva!
The Black list is excellent.

I also like Lillyhammer with Stevie Van Zandt

Wallander, both the Swedish and English versions are very good.

And the first 2 seasons of Rebus with John Hannah. I did not like it enough to watch after they switched to that other guy, it all changed so dramatically. It did not feel at all like the same show.

Oh-oh! And George Gently!
It is really good.
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Here are two late reviews:

Cinderella: 10 out of 10 stars. The movie was very sweet and enjoyable, and Cinderella's dress was gorgeous!

Insurgent: 8 out of 10 stars. Once again Shaliene Woodly and Theo James captured the personalitys of Tris and Tobias perfectly. My biggest problem with it was the plot was NOTHING like the book, but that was just a personal disappointment. The plot also seemed a bit thin at times but all in all it was a enjoyable movie.
I now DVR almost all my shows. I spend waaaay too much time on BYC. I "punished" the kids by only having one tv in the house and guess who never gets to watch live tv? LOL

We have only one TV in my house and I have three sisters under the age of 12. That makes it extremely difficult for me to watch NCIS: Los Angeles on Mondays because they're always trying to come and watch it with me. I had to shoo my 5 year old sister out of the living room about 5 times during the last 10 minutes of it last Monday. :barnie
(I'm not a big TV watcher, I watch NCIS: Los Angeles, Star Wars Rebels, MythBusters and the NASCAR races every week. Then I have a couple other shows I watch occasionally.)

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