Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

My partner and I went to see Sonic.

If you like kids movies, can tolerate modern humor, and/or enjoy sonic the hedgehog generally it's a surprisingly good film with a generic story and a lot of great jokes and fun buddy adventure movie scenes. The new animation is smooth and fantastic. It's got a 6.7 on imdb, which for what is definitely a little kids movie that isn't also trying to appeal to adults (unlike, say, a lot of Pixar films for example. You won't get a miscarriage/cancer/death scene like in UP or something) is great.

It did REALLY well the weekend it was released and Jim Carrey is an absolute gem in it as Dr Robotnik. As a Sonic fan I'd give it 8/10.
Just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It was painfully long. Even on that note I think you could come into the movie halfway through and know what is going on. It really felt as if the first hour and a half was just Quentin's own self indulgence. Perhaps a sad grip on the reality that he is simply...losing his touch. If nothing else it is worth the watch for the ending. I will not spoil it here but it is rather graphic so please do not watch it with any small children in the room. The acting was good although I felt there were a few scenes where DiCaprio was phoning it in. Particularly the ones where people told him how wonderful an actor his character "Rick Dalton"is. The cinematography is beautiful though. Very nostalgic even parts being on 35 mm. My break down is:

Story: at times boring. And a little confusing -1 star
Acting: Just älright" no extra points for that
Length: 3 hours of mostly drama and not enough beauty to save it -1 star
Ending: Graphic but well deserved. Worth sitting through the movie JUST FOR IT +2 stars
Cinematography: Gorgeous in neon. Sent me back to when my folks where in college and I was but a future whim. +1 star

I'm giving it a 3/5 stars based on this. I think that's fair but if you don't know the history behind what occurred in the fall of 1969 you can consider this a 2 star movie.
Just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It was painfully long. Even on that note I think you could come into the movie halfway through and know what is going on. It really felt as if the first hour and a half was just Quentin's own self indulgence. Perhaps a sad grip on the reality that he is simply...losing his touch. If nothing else it is worth the watch for the ending. I will not spoil it here but it is rather graphic so please do not watch it with any small children in the room. The acting was good although I felt there were a few scenes where DiCaprio was phoning it in. Particularly the ones where people told him how wonderful an actor his character "Rick Dalton"is. The cinematography is beautiful though. Very nostalgic even parts being on 35 mm. My break down is:

Story: at times boring. And a little confusing -1 star
Acting: Just älright" no extra points for that
Length: 3 hours of mostly drama and not enough beauty to save it -1 star
Ending: Graphic but well deserved. Worth sitting through the movie JUST FOR IT +2 stars
Cinematography: Gorgeous in neon. Sent me back to when my folks where in college and I was but a future whim. +1 star

I'm giving it a 3/5 stars based on this. I think that's fair but if you don't know the history behind what occurred in the fall of 1969 you can consider this a 2 star movie.
Thanks for the review!

I read in an article that Quentin plans on retiring soon
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" is Quentin Tarantino's valentine to Hollywood. And probably his least violent/bloody film to date.

I *REALLY* enjoyed the movie, mainly because I'm a huge QT fan and enjoyed seeing the many actors from his previous films re-employed (Tim Roth, sadly, ended up on the cutting room floor for brevity's sake.) Yes, it was long. But if you're a Quentin fan, it was fun long. I thought the ending was brilliant -- having lived through that era and been in that area -- and, yes, a "once upon a time" moment of revisionist history. Overall, I found the movie quite entertaining... And if you rented the DVD, watching the bonus extras very worthwhile (plus the factoids about OUATIH online are interesting and add quite a bit to the "why" of the movie as it definitely had a signature to it.)

I agree with Ninjasquirrel that if you aren't familiar with the underlying saga (not going to spoil it), you may be lost as to exactly who all these random people are supposed to be and their significance.

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