Cute new little predator


11 Years
May 14, 2008
Oh well, a tiny baby kitten showed up in my driveway tonight. Although he is as cute as a button I am concerned that he might get through the 2x4 inch wire of my peafowl pen to get to my tiny, new chicks. I doubt the parents would harm it since they are so gentle. I would hope they would defend their cage at least.

I guess I may take it in tomorrow when there is light and I can get to it. Ugh! I don't know how a cat will blend with my birds though. Or maybe I will call the pound. What do you think I should do with the cute little baby?

PS In the mean time i guess this means I cant turn out my 2 month old ducks and chicks in their outdoor pen under the tree.
Their new house is not quite finished :|
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Well, if it were me I would swear up and down that we would not be keeping it and refuse to give it a name - just call it something like "little white kitty", and then, ten years later it would still be with us and still be called Little white kitty." (This happened with Big Red Dog)
Seriously, I wouldn't worry too much about cats/chickens. I have both and the chickens chase the cats. The cats look longingly at the chickies thinking what tasty snacks they would be, but it's a dream never realized. Poor kitties. However, for chicks, I would definitely make sure kitty couldn't get to them (although if it is truly a little kitty, probably won't be able to do much harm for a while). Good luck with your decision.
Are you okay with keeping it? I took in a kitten recently and we have another stray that we had taken in before we got chickens. The older cat turns his nose up at the older chicks for the most part, and the kitten wants to "play" with the birds. We keep them away from them mostly, but let them be around them so that they are aware of them and can get used to them. I have heard that once chickens are big enough that cats will most likely leave them alone especially when the chickens are in a group. I really hope this is true, but will still keep a close eye on the kitties. I think it is possible to have cats and chickens at the same time. It all just depends on how willing you are to keep watch over them. Good luck in whatever you decide!
yeah, a kitten wouldn't probably have the instinct to kill just yet. I have cats and chickens too and once in a blue moon I see a cat chase a full size chicken, but a couple of times each week I see a chicken chase a cat. I have three barnyard cats. they spend most of their time sleeping, chasing mice or sparrows, or begging for attention. my cats don't seem to even pay any attention to the chicks anymore. the newest cat we got several months ago used to love watching the chicks, but I think the novelty has worn off. it's like he understands he's not supposed to eat them. probably if the kitten is raised around the chickens it won't be a problem at all.
My other concern is whether it has rabies or something. I will have to think about this.
I believe if it had rabies, you would know it pretty quickly, but I could be wrong on that. You can take it to the vet, and I'm pretty sure that they test for rabies, and they can give vaccinations against rabies among other things.
I would want to bring it in the house and I am not prepared to do that because I have parrots who enjoy sitting outside their cages. It would not be right to let it roam. So i guess i will have to find it another home with fewer birds.
If it's a kitten you shouldn't have a problem with it getting your chicks, the most harm it would want to do is play with them. But if she/he is raised around them it shouldn't be a problem. And if I were you I would go get it now and not wait until the morning, just incase another predator tries to get it. Good luck!
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Well it must be kitten hatching time......
I found a kitten tuesday in my front yard. Looked to be about 5 wks old. orange and fluffy........needless to say, it has a home here. Although that little terd bit the poop out of me. I hope you make the right choice for you and your family (chicken and human).

Oh just for the record I have no mama cat, so who know's where the little came from. I guess my big neon sign was flashing "FREE FOOD"......

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