Cute new little predator

And if she sees it, you'll have to build a $2,000 kitty house and tree set-up!

Personally, being a cat lover, I think you might want to adopt it. Try leaving food out for it. And water. If it comes back, I'd use a net or something to catch it. Are you sure it's a stray and not just a wanderer? If it is a stray, kittenhood is the ideal time to adopt; it won't know much about Big Bad humans.

Hope you can find it.

ETA: maybe you could keep it in a room sepereated from your parrots and gradually introduce it to them once it's bigger. Good Luck!
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You sound like me, except I think I must have the letters SFS written in some invisible-to-the-human-eye animal language across my forehead... SFS -- SUCKER FOR STRAYS!
Unless you have a big problem with rabies in your area, I wouldn't be overly concerned about rabies. If you already have a cat, however, I WOULD be concerned about Feline Leukemia, which is highly contagious.

As to a kitten hurting your chicks - well, that could go either way, couldn't it? Kittens have sharp little teeth and claws and they like to pounce and play.

As cute as kittens are, they rapidly turn into breeding adults. Unless you want a gaggle of feral cats around your place, or you plan to adopt the kitten and have it spayed or neutered, I'd just take the critter to the local animal shelter.
If a kitten ever shows up in MY drive way, I'll personally drive it to the pond forthwith because Anne will want to keep it the minute she sees it; she'll never see it.

Joebryant I love reading some of your posts with your sig line after it especially this one.

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