cutest chicken names!

My husband and I have 4 kids and decided to each get our own breed and let each person name their own breed.

My Buff Orpingtons are Buffy and Orpy. My husband's Gold Laced Wyandottes are Goldie and Dottie. My 4-year-old daughter's Buff Brahma Bantams are Lambie, Disgust, and Aurora. My 3-year-old son's Welsummers are Lightning McQueen and Tow-Mater. My 2-year-old daughter's Barred Cochin Bantams are Anna, Elsa, and Joy. And our newborn's Easter Eggers are Abominable Snowman, Bing Bong, and Egger (named mostly by our 4-year-old.)

Here is a picture of our fluffy crew:

Bing Bong--my favorite, the first to greet us, and the only one who doesn't mind getting picked up--is the grey EE looking at the camera just above the waterer. I've discovered I'm a sucker for the muffs :)
We have: Rusty, Mrs. Brown, Rhoda, Gretta, Puffy Cheeks, Goldie, Freida, Blondie, Gertie, Lee Loo, Dixie, and Pebbles.
We just got our first 11. I made the mistake of letting the 3 year old name them. We are not quite sure of breeds but the names are;
Rainbow dash
Pinkie pie
Twilight sparkle
And the last two are still needing names
My delewares: mama June and Sally sassy pants
Marans: Chicken wing and roadrunner
Amaracaunas: Chirp-chirp and chickadee
We have yet to name our light brahmas or barred rocks. We are still waiting to get to know them better.

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