cutest chicken names!

The kids named most of the birds here and yep they sure have some interesting names. here's a few of them

Cluck, Milky, Patch, Fire Ball, Big Chick ( he's a Rooster) Golden, Bronze, Copper, Tony, Cream,Bluebell, Silver bell, Sarah, Poopy, Peach, Roxy, Brownie, Arm Chair, Little Cluck, Raspberry, Black current, Blue berry , Silver berry, Frankenstein ( he scalped himself as a chick n had to have stitches). Thick neck, Short beak, Long beak, Merlin, Fluffy, Black fluffy, Black berry, Upside down tail, Burp, Wiggly, Short comb, Orange foots, Sasquatch, Spindle box, Spots, Spindle shanks, Chatter Box, Flower, Sleepy and Limpy ( he broke his leg when it was caught in a fence as a young bird, he's fine and healed well but has a limp).

The Muscovy Ducks are named Blue Tail, Night Fright, Freckles, Pearl, Stripey Foots, Four Spots, Stripey Toes, and the Muscovy cross runner duck is called Squiggles. ( we got given 2 eggs Night Fright and Freckles laid in there carrier when I bought them, one of them had had an interesting time with and Indian Runner duck, a fact that can't be denied due to the offspring lol).

Chicks wise, I have my French Black Copper Marans called Tiddler / Sexy foots my young Rooster, Rebel and Smokey my 2 Pullets. Then my Blue Maran n splash chicks are named Worm Dancer, he dances for meal worms, Copper spot, Cloud.

The new Cream Leg Bar chicks will no doubt all have some interesting names when the kids return from there holiday. You gotta love the names the kids come up with lol.
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What are some of the cutest chicken names you have heard. for some reason people always pick old lady names. but I thought it would be interesting to hear some other names that are different or down right adorable.  :caf

My Chickens all had Princess Names and i am keeping to that Theme. Here are their names:


We are getting a new chicken soon and im
Hopefully going to call her Arla but nothings decided yet untill i bring home the Chicken
I have 17 hens Shirley, Ruby, Rosie, Pebbles, Bam Bam (thought she was a rooster) Susie Q, Periwinkle, Phyllis, Daisy...the rest are not named as several I can't tell apart.
We currently have 15 hens and the kids named them. We have Ziggy, Zaggy, and Zella which are barred rocks, Ruby, Rosey, and Roberta which are red sex link, a few EE that are Cotton, Darth, Gabby, Hawkeye, and Daisy, black australorp named Penelope, and 4 chicks that have yet to be named. The kids love caring for the chickens and the adults love watching their antics!
The kids named most of the birds here and yep they sure have some interesting names. here's a few of them

Cluck, Milky, Patch, Fire Ball, Big Chick ( he's a Rooster) Golden, Bronze, Copper, Tony, Cream,Bluebell, Silver bell, Sarah, Poopy, Peach, Roxy, Brownie, Arm Chair, Little Cluck, Raspberry, Black current, Blue berry , Silver berry, Frankenstein ( he scalped himself as a chick n had to have stitches). Thick neck, Short beak, Long beak, Merlin, Fluffy, Black fluffy, Black berry, Upside down tail, Burp, Wiggly, Short comb, Orange foots, Sasquatch, Spindle box, Spots, Spindle shanks, Chatter Box, Flower, Sleepy and Limpy ( he broke his leg when it was caught in a fence as a young bird, he's fine and healed well but has a limp).

The Muscovy Ducks are named Blue Tail, Night Fright, Freckles, Pearl, Stripey Foots, Four Spots, Stripey Toes, and the Muscovy cross runner duck is called Squiggles. ( we got given 2 eggs Night Fright and Freckles laid in there carrier when I bought them, one of them had had an interesting time with and Indian Runner duck, a fact that can't be denied due to the offspring lol).

Chicks wise, I have my French Black Copper Marans called Tiddler / Sexy foots my young Rooster, Rebel and Smokey my 2 Pullets. Then my Blue Maran n splash chicks are named Worm Dancer, he dances for meal worms, Copper spot, Cloud.

The new Cream Leg Bar chicks will no doubt all have some interesting names when the kids return from there holiday. You gotta love the names the kids come up with lol.
"Arm Chair"
We have two black australorps that we can't tell apart. So we've named them Thing 1 and Thing 2 after Dr. Suess' Cat in the Hat (it's one our 4 yr old son's favorite books)

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