cutest chicken names!

I'm sorry to hear that. I've never heard of anything like that. When I first moved out on my own years ago I got fish and I was so excited. They were pretty and I dressed up their bowl and really enjoyed them. But I didn't do my research first and the first time I cleaned the bowl the water was the wrong temperature and they died instantly. :( I hope Fry isn't suffering.
We have 5 hyalines.. Penny, Bossy britches, Twilight are our older girls and Honey and Dodo are our pullets. Honey started laying yesterday but Dodo's comb is still quite small and pale. :)
I'm sorry to hear that. I've never heard of anything like that. When I first moved out on my own years ago I got fish and I was so excited. They were pretty and I dressed up their bowl and really enjoyed them. But I didn't do my research first and the first time I cleaned the bowl the water was the wrong temperature and they died instantly. :( I hope Fry isn't suffering.

My mom said the fish is going to die soon, and I believe it. He wasn't like that at first.
My mom said the fish is going to die soon, and I believe it. He wasn't like that at first.

Stop feeding the fish for two days and then give him cooked peeled peas (you can buy the frozen ones and put them in the microwave for a few seconds), do this for 3 days. This help the fish with his digestive problem. :). My fish has the same from time to time for years. Is because has been feed to much food. Now I only feed mine every 3 days. If you have more questions let me know.
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Stop feeding the fish for two days and then give him cooked peeled peas (you can buy the frozen ones and put them in the microwave for a few seconds), do this for 3 days. This help the fish with his digestive problem.
. My fish has the same from time to time for years. Is because has been feed to much food. Now I only feed mine every 3 days. If you have more questions let me know.

Wow, only every three days? I never knew you weren
't supposed to feed a fish every dayXD
My older children wanted to have an inside joke when we bought meat birds, so they called them as follows;
White Meat
Dark Meat
That way we could say the name of the bird we were having for dinner and not make the younger children feel sad.

And we had a pullet that stood almost vertical so I called her "You'd Better Be a Hen" and the name stuck.

I know it asked for chickens but I read this post and just had to mention the meat pigs my Hubby raised as a teenager named Ham, Porkchop, and Sausage.
At the family thanksgiving dinner none of the cousins could figure out why we kept asking them to pass some Porkchop while pointing at the ham my Hubby's mom had cooked and brought along.
I just got my chicks today and have been mostly leaving them to get settled before I do much handling/picture taking of them. One is very friendly and keeps checking out my wedding ring. Being a Columbian Rock with an interest in rings I had to name her Diamond.
Mine are (mostly) TV characters. My niece named one Sophia so the other 3 Cornish Rocks are Dorothy, Rose, and Blanch. I also have Ginger and Maryanne. Then I have Marilyn, Gloria, and Stella (all said with a Jersey accent....that's a long story). I wish I could be more creative than that.
I named all of mine found in nature names....

Sunny (Old English game bantam rooster)
Rain (white crested blue polish)
Wheaty (self crested Columbian polish)
Cotton (white silkie)
Frost (porcilain d'uggle)
Pebbles (mille fluer d'uggle)
Sunset (red frizzle)
Sun flower (buff bantam cochin)

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