cutest chicken names!

Our first four girls have pretty normal nature names, Ginger, Lavender, Ivy, and Cinnamon.
With our new chicks, each kid got to name one. So we have:
Garlic (my 6yo wants to be a chef)
Demeter (my 8yo is obsessed with Greek gods)
Argentinosaurus (my 4yo loves both dinosaurs and countries, so he found a name that worked for both) :p

And I get to name the last one... She might be Beyonce.
Captain Bockbock and Sargent scratch.

that is just too funny!....I laughed so hard...Captain BockBock and Sargent Scratch
What are some of the cutest chicken names you have heard. for some reason people always pick old lady names. but I thought it would be interesting to hear some other names that are different or down right adorable.

my son named our new bantam chicks gilligan, skipper, and the professor. sadly, our little gilligan died though :'(. I replaced him with a new hampshire red, which he named ginger! if you can't tell, he is a big gilligan's island fan!! lol.
Wow, only every three days? I never knew you weren

't supposed to  feed a fish every dayXD

You can. But has to be very little amount if not they get sick. Mostly goldfish. For two reasons. One they poop a lot and contaminate the water and two to much food mess up their digestive system and damage their natatory bladder. To much air in their system don't let's them sink :)
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You can. But has to be very little amount if not they get sick. Mostly goldfish. For two reasons. One they poop a lot and contaminate the water and two to much food mess up their digestive system and damage their natatory bladder. To much air in their system don't let's them sink

I am giving my fish peas, they get extra so everyone can eat. Thank you for helping my fish.
I'm a new "mother hen" myself. Just got 7 chicks. The first two names given were Maudy and Virgie after my grandparents, Myrl (her first name is maudy but has never gone by that) and Virgil (he died 15 yrs ago
but would be so proud of my chicks.). My Ameraucana is Rosie after the Riveter and my barred rock is Harriet for Harriet Tubman.

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