cutest chicken names!

I have two new chicks that I have added to my flock and their names are Nutmeg and Sweet pea

Guinea fowl
Buster Keeton

Easter egger Hens

2 month old pullets
Buff Orpingtons
Sand - possibly a cockerel ( SandMan)
Banana - possibly a cockerel

Barred rocks
Henny Penny

New Hampshire reds

1 month old Barnevelders
Scout- cockerel
Beau- cockerel
Have 2 more darling boys but they're getting new homes

1-2 week old Chicks
Mrs white - light brahma
Mrs peacock -Dominique
Miss Scarlett - buff brahma
Ivette - Swedish flower hen
Applesause - speckled sussex
Hen - white rock
Penguine - lavender ameraucana
Cuddles - black English orpington
Snuggles - splash English orpington
Boots - langhsan
Yoshi - blue silkie
Clucky Lucky - russian orloff
Tiny - olive egger
Chicken little - russian orloff
Uno - ? Sussex or Welsummer ?
Flower- ? Sussex, ee, Sfh ?
Dora - cukoo marans
Diego - cukoo marans ( cockerel? Rehoming)
Cookie - mottled ameraucana

At the moment that's it but I'm thinking of getting one more silkie maybe a buff and I'm waiting on some replacement brabanter eggs and once we rehome 'unwanted' cockerels I think that leaves us with maybe 50 lol
Love this thread!
I'm going with the "old lady" theme and collectively they will be known as "The Valley Road Ladies Society"...a ladies club of spinster sisters descended from "old money". They just arrived today so haven't yet decided who will get which name...I have two of each breed with an extra that was shipped. I think she's going to be "new money" (GASP!).
Misses Ethel and Bertha Vanderbilt
Misses Hilda and Myrtle Westinghouse
Misses Eunice and Edna Rockefeller
Misses Maude and Earnestine Carnegie
Miss Primrose Gates (can you tell which ones she is?)

This sounds like the makings of a children's book! :)
I've got two names in mind for when they get older,chixie....and Khaleesi(mother of dragons!) also we're on a Star Wars kick since the other day was May 4th! (May the 4th be with you! ) might name 1 Princess Leia... need to wait for them to grow and get their own personalities first though!
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Also kind of want to name one of my barred rocks salt and Pepa but I would probably start singing " AH! push it push it real good! every time Icollected eggs
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We just got four chicks yesterday.
Rhode Island Red- Rosie
Ameraucana- Bunny
We also have a Delaware and a Black Australorp who will probably be Gladys and Scarlett Johensson

We also like Polly and Hazel.

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