Cutest Cochin Contest!


Little Baby Bean

Faker Dees One
Jul 14, 2021
The Upside Down
Hi everyone and welcome to the Cutest Cochin Contest!!😁 This contest is for cochins, bantam cochins, or cochin crosses only! There are no prizes involved, it is just for fun! I will be judging this contest when it ends.


1. Up to three entries per person.
2. Must contain a picture, name of birds(s), age, the color(s) of the cochin(if you know), and any other commentary.
3. Has to be a cochin, a bantam cochin, a cochin cross, or anything that has to do with cochins.
4. Submissions will be cut on October 26th.

This is Coco! She is about 3-4ish months in these pictures, but I do not really remember. She is a black LF cochin. Coco is my favorite cochin and chicken because she is the sweetest. She will sit on my lap and snuggle with me and fall asleep. We also have 1 LF white cochin and 2 LF partridge cochins. :love


A few tags: @FluffyLambs @Overo Mare (You guys can join if you want to but you don't have to. You were just the first ones I thought of who had cochin related anything.;))

Have fun, everyone!
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Hi everyone and welcome to the Cutest Cochin Contest!!😁 This contest is for cochins, bantam cochins, or cochin crosses only! There are no prizes involved, it is just for fun! I will be judging this contest when it ends.


1. Up to three entries per person.
2. Must contain a picture, name of birds(s), age, and the color(s) of cochin(if you know.)
3. Has to be a cochin, a bantam cochin, a cochin cross, or anything that has to do with cochins.
4. Submissions will be cut on November 10th.

A few tags: @FluffyLambs @Overo Mare (You guys can join if you want to but you don't have to. You were just the first ones I thought of who had cochin related anything.;))

Have fun, everyone!
@LadiesAndJane do you have anything cochin related? 😁
@LadiesAndJane do you have anything cochin related? 😁
Thanks for the tag!🥰
I just have the one little red cochin Bantam from Cackle hatchery! The only one that survived the trip to Hawaii out of the three that I ordered. The amazing Hanabi who is one of the sweetest little funny chickens I’ve ever had. 😊
She weighs all of a pound and a half.
She is almost 6 months old.
I have probably a zillion pictures of her.🤣
She just started laying a few weeks ago these cute little round-ish brown eggs.
Matches her cute little round self!😍

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