Cutest, Handsomest, and Prettiest Duck!

My 2 lil' beauties, Willow and Ivy
Such pretty girls! They remind me of my three runner girls, two fawn and whites and a black.
Here's my pretty boy, Crackers:


He was supposed to be a girl, lol.

And here's three of my five swimming in their pool. Peanut, my pekin girl, Crackers again, and Acorn, my mallard drake. He's not clipped because he has some very slight angel wing but he does have a little flying ability still.

Miss Lydia, thanks, and she was purchased as a black runner. Over time, she has gotten more and more "snow" come in, so now she is this salt and pepper with emerald and amethyst highlights. Just remarkable!

She would, of course, be disqualified for showing because she is non-standard.

And she is not just looks, no, she's a bright duck, very personable, too.
Willow and Ivy are both super friendly, some people say their Runners are flighty and won't come near but I love mine! Do you suppose Willow will get white spots? She's black, but on her Left shoulder she has a few white spots I noticed the other day so now I'm curious...
Most of my Welsh Harlequins dont have names because there are 10 females and 3 males so I pretty much just call them the girls and the boys. Half of them will be 2 next year and the other half will be 1 next year.

I just had to add pictures of some of my babies!

Silvia (Silver Appleyard), Mallory (Grey Mallard Runner), Maggie (Magpie), and Penny (Penciled Runner).

Pickles and Percy (rescued Pekins).

Gizmo (Cayuga x Khaki Campbell-Cayuga) sitting on one of daddy's slippers.

Vinny (Runner -- adopted after being fostered by Netti Kossart) on her way to see Grandma Marion and Uncle Steve on Mother's Day/Steve's birthday.

Beaker (crested Khaki Campbell x Cayuga -- duck mother to Gizmo) and momma.

Ollie (Runner -- adopted after being fostered by Netti Kossart) on her way to be in a parade.
Most of my Welsh Harlequins dont have names because there are 10 females and 3 males so I pretty much just call them the girls and the boys. Half of them will be 2 next year and the other half will be 1 next year. 

Such gorgeous welsh harlequin girls! I fell so in love with my welsh drake Crackers that I bought 20 eggs to incubate so I could get some girls. 15 were fertile and all are due this Saturday. I hope my girls turn out as pretty as yours :love

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