Cuts/Sores on their feet?

They look like infected cuts, and they look several days old- if you are positive that the brooder has no sharp wire ect that the ducklings can get to, my guess is the problem is in the incubator. I assume they were in there for a few hours after they hatched to dry off? The foot in the photo looks bad, this bird needs care (cleaning, padding, kept dry, antibiotics- preferably systemic, if not, at least cleaned and topical) so hopefully it won't be crippled as an adult. Ducks are heavy bodied birds- they do best with two functional feet. Infected feet can also happen if the ducklings are kept on soiled bedding for prolonged periods of time, the photo of the brooder is very nice- but how often are you cleaning/changing the liner?
Good catch, geosheets - I agree that this seems like a likely problem. Based on the looks of the shelf liner, it does look like the kind I have that is very "spongy" and can hold moisture. Their feet need to be able to dry out.

You should change the liner out for something absorbent but change frequently when it gets damp, like paper towels. You can also put some antibiotic ointment (nothing with a -CAINE pain relief in it, just plain antibiotic ointment) on the bottom of their feet, it might help that clear up.

Let us know how this works out!

Edited to add: By the way, those little guys are ADORABLE!!!!!
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How about putting them on pine pellets? I agree with the idea that latex in your product is the culpret. Pine pelletes dont have the dust problem that shavings have. they are sold as cat litter. good luck. get those feet clean and dry!
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After discussing it for a while in the duck was decided that they had a niacin deficiency. I got some brewers yeast and that should help. I also got neosporin and put it on their feet. I even put socks on them to help keep them in duck forum. They only had them on for a few hours but really allowed the ointment to be absorbed.

As far as the brooder goes it is cleaned twice a day and it doesnt really get wet. The water fall through to the kitty littler pan below the brooder. The shelf line really shouldnt be the problem according to everyone in duck forum...everyone uses that for ducklings thats why i did it. Also, because of student allergies i cant use anything like pine or straw or hay. So hopefully the brewers yeast does the trick. I should see some healing soon. Thanks for all your help and concern.

This is the thread on the duck forum if you are interested. I ll update here so i dont bog down emergencies. Thanks everyone.

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