Cyber Granny just a new Puter Questions

Julie in Al

13 Years
Jan 18, 2007
Dothan, Al
I am so excited cause I have been using a puter passed down to the third person. I have had it 2 yrs. I don't know how to do much but I am learning. Well I just got a Dell Dimension Desktop with 19 inch LCD flat panel screen.. bought it tonite. It is still in the box of course till one of my DS's can come and get everything going. It has Mircosoft Word/Home office, Excel, Powerpoint and a few more things. 2 GB Memory. Well anyway the only thing I think I don't like about it is it has a wireless keypad and mouse.
I wonder how long that will hold up. Anyone with experience with the wireless. Hopefully it will have connections for one with wires. You see how clueless I am. I am just happy to get online and know how to post a few pics. My boys were impressed with that. When I say boys they are all over 30.
I've been here awhile granny, maybe you can teach me a few things! I'm still struggling with photo options and such, and am stumbling along, hoping my adult daughters have time to show me the ropes.

Sounds like you're doing fine.
From one Granny to another,
It sure sounds like your getting hooked up big time! Putting the kids to work is fun too!

All the best with the new PC. Hope you enjoy it half as much as I enjoy my chooks.
Thanks Luna, I want to take a puter course to help me learn a few more ways to do things easy. EGH who posts on this board occasionally is the one who gave me instructions on how to get a photobucket account and then walked me through posting my first pic on another board. That was about two years ago. I really appreciate that help. Same way I got a digital camera and learned how to use it. I have made some great photos with a very simple EasyShare and i think I am ready for more zoom

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