Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Thank you, Julie. That's sweet. I've been having some health challenges since around the end of last year and haven't been reading any forums. This was always my favorite, so I'm really looking forward to catching up and seeing pics of all the new babies people are having!

Oh, dear...I'm sorry, Jade. Unfortunately I can empathize to a degree, some days I can't even get out of bed it hurts so much. Whatever's going on I hope it's manageable and that you feel better soon!

As for babies...oh, we GOT babies! Glorious, fuzzy, tiny-beaked adorable call duck babies!



What colour do you think this is going to be? I am undecided :p

I see some tan smudges. Butterscotch maybe?
Thank you, Julie. That's sweet. I've been having some health challenges since around the end of last year and haven't been reading any forums. This was always my favorite, so I'm really looking forward to catching up and seeing pics of all the new babies people are having!

Thank you, Julie. That's sweet. I've been having some health challenges since around the end of last year and haven't been reading any forums. This was always my favorite, so I'm really looking forward to catching up and seeing pics of all the new babies people are having!
You are so welcome, Jade. And I am sorry to hear about your health challenges. Believe me, I know all too well the trials of those. It will be fun having you back and all the babies are so cute it's not funny.
Oh, dear...I'm sorry, Jade. Unfortunately I can empathize to a degree, some days I can't even get out of bed it hurts so much. Whatever's going on I hope it's manageable and that you feel better soon!

As for babies...oh, we GOT babies! Glorious, fuzzy, tiny-beaked adorable call duck babies!

Good to hear from you! Does that mean you got more than one? I read that you have a female now, but I'm still really far behind. I did a little looking back last night to find out about Bean, but I didn't get all the way back to when you got her, only as far as a pic of her sitting on your shoulder. I'm going to try to look further back tonight :)
Good to hear from you! Does that mean you got more than one? I read that you have a female now, but I'm still really far behind. I did a little looking back last night to find out about Bean, but I didn't get all the way back to when you got her, only as far as a pic of her sitting on your shoulder. I'm going to try to look further back tonight :)

Well, it's kind of a long story...I hatched out two lovely chocolate call ducks, Pancake and Milkshake, but sadly Milkshake passed away. Pancake turned out to be a boy, so I had to give him up. I traded him to a friend here on BYC and received a beautiful blue pied female duckling in return that we named Bean.

THEN, on a routine vet visit she had a nasty allergic reaction to an injection they gave her and she nearly died. Thanks to my amazing vet and the kindness of all you guys, she pulled through and is now thriving!

So yeah, it's been kind of a rollercoaster. x_x;; But things are awesome now!

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