Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

u mean racket from Bean that they can hear thru the walls? That is funny.

A-yups. She's a noisy Bean! I love how big her vocal repertoire is. You can always tell Wobbles' mood by his noises, but drakes got nothing on the females, apparently. She can sound like an air raid siren or make tiny clucks like a hen, and when she's REALLY happy she makes this chirp that kinda sounds like a squeaky door hinge. Last week we took her with us to a dress fitting (wedding season, blargh) and when we went through a tunnel she began making alarm calls (air raid siren) but the moment we came out and she could see again, happy door hinge!

I friggin' love calls. <3
Eh, even before then you can have some idea based on their build and bill size. Wobbles had the textbook perfect eye position, leg position, rounded underbelly, etc. when he had his first molt. And from then on he just kept getting rounder and chubbier! :p Bean's shaping up to be pretty good too, although her bill is a bit larger and she's massively pigeon-toed. It just adds to her character. <3

could you have a guess from the pictures?

also for anyone who raises magpies or pieds, my chocolate magpie is getting chocolate feathers coming through in her white fluff. i thought they stayed with their fluff pattern wise?

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A-yups. She's a noisy Bean! I love how big her vocal repertoire is. You can always tell Wobbles' mood by his noises, but drakes got nothing on the females, apparently. She can sound like an air raid siren or make tiny clucks like a hen, and when she's REALLY happy she makes this chirp that kinda sounds like a squeaky door hinge. Last week we took her with us to a dress fitting (wedding season, blargh) and when we went through a tunnel she began making alarm calls (air raid siren) but the moment we came out and she could see again, happy door hinge!

I friggin' love calls. <3
Heehee. That is so funny. Air raid siren to happy door hinge. Would love to hear the gamut of noises she makes. Did she go inside the shop with you for the fitting? I know what you mean about the mood thing with birds and their sounds. When my female makes a certain type of noise I can tell she's agitated. Birds have such a wide range.
could you have a guess from the pictures?

also for anyone who raises magpies or pieds, my chocolate magpie is getting chocolate feathers coming through in her white fluff. i thought they stayed with their fluff pattern wise?


When they're a few weeks it's pretty hard, since their bills grow before their heads can catch up and they look downright lanky! :p They do look rather nice, though. Very small bills and nice tiny compact bodes <3

As for the fluff, patterned ducks could change a bit from their fluff to first molt, and even to their second. Bean looks wildly different than we thought she would based on her baby fluff.
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ohh really thats neat , i bet they are beautiful to look at

Do u keep them with ur calls? 
no, I keep them separate from everyone for the most part. The grew up with my calls though. They do have some grow out chickens living with then though. They like to hiss and pinch them!
Hmm i really hope mine get along in the aviary together it should be big enough for them to stay away from one another if they feel like it.

I hope so too ;; Even my kitties are getting along better with the ducks now! Of course, the warfare they used to wage is now relegated to the battles Bean and Wobbles have. Le sigh.
When they're a few weeks it's pretty hard, since their bills grow before their heads can catch up and they look downright lanky! :p They do look rather nice, though. Very small bills and nice tiny compact bodes <3

As for the fluff, patterned ducks could change a bit from their fluff to first molt, and even to their second. Bean looks wildly different than we thought she would based on her baby fluff. 

Ok, the do look rather lanky! Thanks for the compliments!
I just feel like a weirdo for bonding so hardcore to my ducks! I still keep Milkshake close to my heart in a nice silver wearable urn with a bird etched on it. I'm a freak like that.

On a happier note, Wobbles and Bean had their first park outing! It went pretty well, they didn't fight at all. See how close they were!


Bean had her first flying lesson, too<3


Waaaa! I've been on the road, so mostly off the forum for almost 2 months, and I come back and Beanie's all growed up
. She is now a beautiful Blue Swedish-looking call duck.
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