Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

so guys more good news a black mallard egg hatched !! except one problem the baby is grey pattern ! i love it alot and im still trying to figure out my black mallard genetics since this is the first grey baby she has ever had. lol anyway pebbles and bam bam are such bullies to the little guy i had to separate them until little spunky can get strong enough to defend himself.
Must vent! so the other day I posted 5 call duck drakes of various colors on Craigslist. Cheap, dirt cheap. the first person who me says I am too far away for them to come get them. Ok, that's fine. Then proceeds to tell me he just turns ducks out on a pond and when something kills them he buys more! This is what he said, Oh, by the time I drive out there I'll have $20 in each duck (mind you I only put $5 each on them!) and that's too much for varmint food. The reason I hate people.
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Prepare for pic overload!
The ducklings went out for their first free visit to the big Ducks today and the ducklings decided that they didn't like the adults at all and they were carrier ing around trying to take massive great chunks out of them! VERY FUNNY! Please note no animals or humans were harmed during this process! Lol


He's got abit of rust like bean amykins!








Those little chubby cheeks! So squishy!


Looking at a plane!
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Must vent! so the other day I posted 5 call duck drakes of various colors on Craigslist. Cheap, dirt cheap. the first person who me says I am too far away for them to come get them. Ok, that's fine. Then proceeds to tell me he just turns ducks out on a pond and when something kills them he buys more! This is what he said, Oh, by the time I drive out there I'll have $20 in each duck (mind you I only put $5 each on them!) and that's too much for varmint food. The reason I hate people.

I just don't understand some people...
Prepare for pic overload!
The ducklings went out for their first free visit to the big Ducks today and the ducklings decided that they didn't like the adults at all and they were carrier ing around trying to take massive great chunks out of them! VERY FUNNY! Please note no animals or humans were harmed during this process! Lol

He's got abit of rust like bean amykins!

Those little chubby cheeks! So squishy!

Looking at a plane!

HAAAAA I love it so much! That little handsome blue man looks the spitting image of Bean! I bet he's gonna be one gorgeous boy when he grows up <3 I think it's cute but also really sad when they all freeze and cock their heads to watch a plane like that. It's so darn cute but at the same time I feel so bad because they're just so freaked out by anything looming overhead, you know? Oh Cluck, you must be so proud of your new little fuzzbutts!

I just don't understand some people...

I know, right? Why do some people think animals are unfeeling, brainless decoration that only exist for humans to look at?

Grumble, grumble...anyway, speaking of things to look at, today I learned that apparently calls can go from not being able to fly to being pro at it in the span of 0.05 seconds. Observe.

HAAAAA I love it so much! That little handsome blue man looks the spitting image of Bean! I bet he's gonna be one gorgeous boy when he grows up <3 I think it's cute but also really sad when they all freeze and cock their heads to watch a plane like that. It's so darn cute but at the same time I feel so bad because they're just so freaked out by anything looming overhead, you know? Oh Cluck, you must be so proud of your new little fuzzbutts!

I know, right? Why do some people think animals are unfeeling, brainless decoration that only exist for humans to look at?

Grumble, grumble...anyway, speaking of things to look at, today I learned that apparently calls can go from not being able to fly to being pro at it in the span of 0.05 seconds. Observe.


i know, apart from he's not blue! haha lol. yeh they were all standing up grooming then one by one they looked up then one by one they all lay down really slowly! i agree about the cute but sad statement!

people can just be so heartless and selfish not giving a **** about their(or other peoples) animals, and as you say, just use them for their own enjoyment. i am very into natural horsemanship and i always feel so angry when i see some race horses and eventing horses that all the life has been knocked out of them so they are just efficent machines so that all those riders and owners can get all their prizes and stuff. i am sure there are lots of lovely yards with lots of well cared for horses that are loved and have a bond with their owner/riders but there is a lot that don't. there is a lot of stuff behind the scenes as well that people don't get to see,

one story from a friends son who worked at a equine auction place and he said that there is a certain disease that prevents them from racing but they can still lead a happy and fruitful life but anyway, this disease doesn't show up until they are yearlings and they are tested and then if they tested positive they were shot on the dot. its just disgusting!
sorry i am ranting it just makes be so angry and upset!!!

love the vid!

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