Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Haven't had a landline in 13 years, just cell phones. Had no trouble using the other phones, but this new one is way too clever and has more features than I could ever use.

And if you're like me you don't have the desire or patience to learn all the features. Ugh. It is too much.

Still trying to find someone that has Calls laying right now! Preferably white, ancona, pied, or magpie! My Winter is patiently awaiting for the arrival of her perfect mate and I would love to hatch him as soon as possible, especially now that we're going to be living in the country limits of Alabama and no longer the city! I'm going to have the mini farm with mini animals that I've always wanted! And, I am more than excited about it! I would love if Winter could give me some babies this spring! Here she is on our farm, please let me know if you have Call eggs now or anytime soon! Thank you :)

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Wow seeing all these ducks makes me kind of sad. Started the year off with 8 ducks in now have 2 :'( thought it was a fox getting them so I built a fence and coop. Turns out the threat was a huge hawk. They are now in the bank barn with the chickens. 1hen 1 Drakke both apricot. I miss my snowy

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