Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Tonight is day 27 for my call duck eggs and no action
I pretty much figured they would need another day because of my temperature fluctuations, but how long should it be? I want to candle them tonight but don't want to mess up their positioning.
Tonight is day 27 for my call duck eggs and no action
I pretty much figured they would need another day because of my temperature fluctuations, but how long should it be? I want to candle them tonight but don't want to mess up their positioning.

If it's that late past their hatch date, yes, you should candle. You need to look for bills in air cells. They could be stuck and in need of assistance, but you gotta know where they're at first. Sometimes the buggers are just a bit late, but sometimes they simply cannot physically break through the shell.
lol, thanks- It is actually a wild duck I got a picture of, because right now I am duckless.

I really want a call though- the CHEEKS are irrisistable!
YES!!! The cheeks. They absolutely kill me. Imagine how soft they are. I'd kiss them every chance I got.

I am duckless, too. I have 2 tiny zebra finches.

But I really really love ducks and @Miss Lydia 's 4 geese very much.

Well, it's a great photo of a very round wild duck. I wonder if she has any idea that she's so cute.
My calls lived with my anconas. Just make sure the calls have hiding places the bigger ducks can't get into & they will be fine.

i really dont recommend it. Bigger ducks can easily hurt calls very badly, a call ducks are (or at least mine are) about the size of a pigeon so take that to the size of a pekin or a rouen and its not a pretty picture if they get hurt. 

Thanks for the input. I do have three mallards and they get along fine with the bigger ducks. As for the bigger ducks, I have one Cayuga, one buff, two WH, two smallish runners and four half-mallard mutts. The three mutts that are boys are the only ones that are really rambunctious, as they are only six months old or so, and I plan on getting rid of them. But I know calls are much more fragile than mallards, and much smaller. I have also heard they aren't as winter-hardy, and winter in northwestern Ohio can be petty brutal sometimes. And that they can fly pretty well. And they're loud. Maybe it's not a good idea...

I just had a dream about getting baby calls last night and it made me want them really bad. Like really bad. And then I watched a video of a call quacking and it's the cutest sound ever and it made me want them even more! Pied calls are calling my name... Lol

Calls can be kept in more sheltered cages up off the ground in winter. I'm also in Ohio. I used large rabbit hutches for mine.
you guys its finally getting warmer here, I am so ready for the calls to go back into the aviary they had only spent about 3 weeks in it before it got too cold and i had to bring them back inside, so hopefully this warm weather lasts.

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