Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Today 1:07 amI just hatched a little mystery Call from my mismatched breeding pen. Daddy is a Self-Black, mommy is either a Blue Bibbed or a Butterscotch (I'm leaning towards the Butterscotch, BUT the Blue Bibbed DOES have some Butterscotch in her background too...none of them are exactly "pure" colors!). So far this year, all I've hatched are Blue and Black Bibbeds and Blue Fawns from this pen. Opened up my hatching tray this morning and found two Blue Bibbeds and this interesting little Buff-colored duckling!

I'm still figuring out the humidity in my antique cabinet incubator, so these guys did all hatch a little bit "sticky". The mystery duckling doesn't appear to the a Butterscotch - it almost looks Dusky-based, as it has no faint markings at all, just a solid, even, warm buff....

I'd post a picture of the parents, but I think y'all are getting sick of seeing them on this thread! The Black drake and the Butterscotch hen are both from duckluck.

Awwe, they are so cute. They look nice and healthy. Did they hatch on their own or did you have to help them? I asked duckluck so many questions about my eggs, and she was so helpful. I am glad I got to meet her. I am applying some of her tips in hopes of saving my last 8 eggs. I heard most calls need help zipping. How did yours do?​
Awwe, they are so cute. They look nice and healthy. Did they hatch on their own or did you have to help them? I asked duckluck so many questions about my eggs, and she was so helpful. I am glad I got to meet her. I am applying some of her tips in hopes of saving my last 8 eggs. I heard most calls need help zipping. How did yours do?

About 75% of them hatch all on their own. The other 25% I help.

In this case, I did help all 3 out just a little, because the tray that all these eggs were in got DROPPED by my fiancée about 2 weeks into incubation and the air cells got messed up - when the tray smashed into the floor, the membranes in the eggs must have ripped away from the side of the shells (you could see it when the eggs were candled during the last week - this big, strange dip in all the air cells that basically stretched down the entire side of each egg), and because of that, almost every egg in this batch (there's 6 or 7 more still hatching) pipped in a strange place - either in the middle or at the bottom of the egg, rather than closer to the top, and most of them pipped directly through the shell without ever pipping internally into the air cell. They're on Day 27 right now, and there's one hatching all on it's own in the incubator right this very moment, so I'm not going to touch any of the rest of them unless they haven't made any progress by Wednesday night.

They're miracles though - some of the eggs physically cracked and dented when the tray got dropped, and we sealed the cracks with candle wax and 3 of those eggs survived and are currently pipped!
I hatched a couple of call duck eggs I bought from BYC seller. Here is what she says about the parents coloring: Pen ONE: Chocolate and blue drakes over black, blue, and chocolate hens. Pen two: white drake with white hen.

Here is a picture. I believe the dark one is chocolate but the light one is a beige color it is not yellow. Any idea what the color could be from the above matings? THank you.

Yep - that Beige one should be a "Lilac". She received both the Blue dilution and the Chocolate dilution.

I've been going over what I know of the genetics of my trio, and I think my little Buff "mystery" duckling is a Blue Dusky OR a Lilac just like yours!
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Babies are SO cute:


Teenagers are not quite as cute. I have that one ugly duckling (on the right). I hope he turns into a call duck!


He made a wish to the goddesses of duckdom to be as beautiful as they are, only smaller, and cute like a call:

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Hello again. You guys or girls sound like you could help me figure out what colour my calls are. I thought one of them looked realy big and had a long head and bill, but i've seen other baby's on this page that look the same. Anyway. I think they may have some weird colours in thier backgrounds. These are the parents that i stopped breeding because i've had two out of eight ducklings have problems with thier bills. I don't even know how this little one is still living. You can hear her breathing from a couple of feet away, but she still goes under water to swim and she eats and run around like nothings wrong with her/him.
So heres mom and dad. The breeder says dads a Aleution pied and moms are white calls pet strain.(a little on the large side)


Heres the baby's when they were smaller.


Here they are a little bigger.



In this pic you can see the differance in the head and bill of the two i'm woundering about.

This one has beautiful colours.

I'm hopeing someone can help me. Thanks. Sorry about all the pics but the colours don't look the same in pics as they do in person,(or in bird,lol). Angie.

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