Dad told someone we had 30 chickens


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Ohio - Chickens 3yrs
Yesterday Dad told someone that we have around 30 chickens
I looked at Dad and said I am not sure how many we have but I know that it is over 50 + 4 chicks +4 ducks + 15ducklings.
All he said was Wow!
i couldn't tell you how many birds i have all together but i processed 289 guineas last month and over 200 roos last year and still have 100's of free range birds.
My family (mostly extended) is all always surprised to hear how many I have. I only have 12 hens and 1 duck! To me, that is not very many, but none of them have chickens. I have always tried to keep my numbers at 20 or below. To me, that is a manageable number, due to the amount of coops I have ( 2 large ones), the run I have (40'x10') and how much space I have for them to free range. I would love to have more, but I have to be realistic.
Funds are tight right now. Thankfully, the girls are able to pay for their own feed by the sale of their eggs, but the cost of supplies, like sand, cracked corn, boss, and such, come out of my pocket (when I can afford it.)

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