Daffy has recovered!


Free Ranging
Aug 16, 2021
St Augustine, FL
Daffy, a 2 year old muscovy drake, became unwell while I was away from home nearly 6 weeks ago. I knew there was something wrong when my husband told me that Daffy was being bullied. When I got back, I found that Daffy had labored breathing -- using his abdominal muscles, with his mouth open. He would not come to me when called, would not accept petting, and was miserable. I gave him Rooster Booster Poultry Cell in his water and ordered Bayatril on line.

Daffy only had 6 days of oral Bayatril when it arrived, as he was very distressed and fought me. He is 14lbs and strong, so I called it a day after 6 doses as there was no sign of improvement. Over the next 3-4 weeks, his breathing started to improve: he stopped using his abdomen muscles but continued to mouth breathe. Then he stopped mouth breathing when resting but started again after walking. He remained "crabby" with the other drakes and would have nothing to do with me. Two weeks ago, he had recovered enough to give "don't mess with me" vibes, and the other boys ceased bullying him. For two days now, he has been biting my ankles demanding attention, coming when called, and standing on my lap while I pet him. He likes his carruncles stroked, again! Yesterday, I had to pull him off one of the other drakes, and no sooner had I pulled him off, he was out chasing a second drake. Fortunately that drake is a year younger more lythe, and can run faster! Daffy is back to being boss duck!

Does anyone have any idea what was the matter? I am thinking not bacterial infection as there was no response to Bayatril, and not fungal infection as he has got better on his own. Perhaps viral infection? He didn't have eye or nose symptoms: no discharge and no sneezing. He has in the past had chronic foamy eye but hasn't had it during this illness. He is the only
one of my muscovy boys who likes bathing (about once a week) and he has deep tubs of water available to him 24/7. His weight didn't change throughout -- he does cooperate with standing on a scale.

Any ideas?
Daffy had a few "off color" weeks in September/October when he was molting. He was bullied by the other muscovy drakes and so I separated him. He came home to Florida with my special needs pekin, who was in a ducky wheelchair. Sadly the pekin drake died and Daffy became quite antisocial. No more demanding attention, no more sitting next to me on the back steps. Eating, drinking and bathing normally but NOT friendly. That was for 3 weeks until I brought back the other two drakes from Virginia. Those boys were happy to be home after nearly 11 months up north, and Daffy is back to normal: boss duck with the other boys and demanding attention from me. He now comes when I call his name and and raises his crest and mohawk.

Although there is some boss duck squabbling, the three boys spend their days together either on my back steps or at the side of the house where they can watch me come and go.
And Daffy is drop dead gorgeous in his new plumage
Daffy had a few "off color" weeks in September/October when he was molting. He was bullied by the other muscovy drakes and so I separated him. He came home to Florida with my special needs pekin, who was in a ducky wheelchair. Sadly the pekin drake died and Daffy became quite antisocial. No more demanding attention, no more sitting next to me on the back steps. Eating, drinking and bathing normally but NOT friendly. That was for 3 weeks until I brought back the other two drakes from Virginia. Those boys were happy to be home after nearly 11 months up north, and Daffy is back to normal: boss duck with the other boys and demanding attention from me. He now comes when I call his name and and raises his crest and mohawk.

Although there is some boss duck squabbling, the three boys spend their days together either on my back steps or at the side of the house where they can watch me come and go.
And Daffy is drop dead gorgeous in his new plumage
Pictures please☺️

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