Daily Treats?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 3, 2009
Mount Vernon, Washington
My girls are five weeks old and just moved outside. Until now, they have just had chick starter and whatever they found when scratching around the yard, some lettuce scraps, and watermelon.

I love the treat chart on here (especially the pictures at the end

After reading several posts, it sounds like most people give their chickens treats most every day. Are there certain things you are sure to feed your girls more often than others? Some things specific to winter? Spring? I am just trying to figure out what I should keep around or build into my daily routines to make sure my girls are happy, healthy, and satisfied.

Thanks for all your help!
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Mine get daily treats. Note anything other than their regular food is considered a treat by a chicken. If nothing else they'll get a few (like 2 or 3) slices of bread split between 14 chickens.
I spread a treat out before I let them out in the mornings. I rotate where I leave the treat and they've learned to check all three places I use until they find it.
I give them a coffee can of scratch grains in the evenings in spring/summer and switch that to chops (cracked corn without other grains) in the winter and fall. If the winter night is predicted to be really cold, I substitute corn mash (ground corn mixed w/warm water) or cooked oatmeal for their evening treat.
I keep the amount of treats low and my birds free range. When the peaches, apples, figs, mulberries and grapes ripen, they help themselves to whatever falls to the ground.

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