Damn...Autopsy Results, Page 3 *Update* Jan Passed

Sorry for your loss. Its never easy to lose a creature as docile and beautiful as a hen. What will you be looking for in an autopsy. I had an "old" rooster i bought from an auction who died mysteriously one day, and when i preformed i couldnt find anything amiss. He even had a full, wet crop so i know he wasnt starving/thirsty. (Working in a chicken slaughterhouse, i know what the insides are supposed to be like, like its the back of my hand. Also, i wanted to add that i use the term old loosely. With all the raccoons ive had around lately its a miracle if my chickens make it past the age of 2.) Any help on what to look for would be helpful, and i realize in your case, its going to be obvious to look toward the ovary area, but as we all know, deaths arent always so straightforward. Thanks ahead for any tips i can get, and goldtrooper; love the signature
I have followed these events, although I had nothing to offer, because I'm new at owning chickens.
This is so sad.

Sending good wishes.....
Well I opened her up. Inside her oviduct, I did find 3 small ready to roll eggs- shelless and about 1/2" diameter.
No evidence of shell anywhere in her body.
What I did find was lots of what looked like lightly cooked egg yolk all throughout her egg system.
Her crop wasn't inpacted, though it did contain some food. Further down the digestive tract, the food was ground and her gizzard appeared to be working fine.

The day gets better!

I went out and buried her in the back yard; my daughter picked some flowers and placed them on her grave. We all had a moment.

Come back in, go to Church, come home and Dang! Cable's out, along with phone and internet.
Call Comcast, a guy comes a out, walks around, inspecting the lines and says "have you done any digging lately?"
He's standing there, looking at Jan's flower-covered grave.
Me: "uh, yeah, I guess I have...."
He was a real peach, offered his condolences and did the reconnect without a charge for my bonehead move.

What a day!
Thanks for all the kind words. If anybody's got any idea what happenned to Miss Jan, I'd be obliged.
OMGosh. Was the cooked egg yoke in the abdominal cavity or attached to organs in the body? Because that would mean she was an internal layer. The abdomen usually gets enlarged and full of fluid (that's the peritonitis). However, sometimes the yoke is absorbed and you've bought some time. I have one right now I've drained a few times and used leftover baytril and she's come back a second time. I have a feeling that most hens have a misfire or two in their lifetimes. Seems like some of those old hens get so darned big and heavy. I'm like, dang, I never thought you were such a big monster, girl.
The cooked egg seemed to be spread around in the upper cavity near the backbone/rib area. Must've been in the oviduct as that's where I ran the shears as I cut.
No fluid to speak of to drain.
That's exactly where I found it when I had one with peritonitis. She had a lot of fluid in her though. It's perplexing.

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