
If you mean the blueberries, my soil isn't right for them, they're growing in huge planters.
If you mean the blackberries I'm always mowing the darn things down because of the wild birds, and cut most of them down to the ground each fall. I leave a few patches that get trimmed in the spring, and always seem to double in size by the time the berries are ripe. At least this year I'll have a reward for my hard work instead of just using all of the words George Carlin said were banned from t.v. and having the dogs stare at me like I'm crazy...

ETA: the flock seems to love the leaves and flowers, so I guess the blackberries are another one my son'll need to get to before the flock.
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I let my girls out regularly onto our large, oversized backyard, and they have been excellent landscapers...I no longer have a dandelion left in my backyard lawn, nor any weeds in my flower beds (no blueberries or strawberries either, for that matter ;-) and when the spring comes, lovely grass with no moss.

I also can highly recommend them for spreading barkdust...be sure it has no chemicals or cedar...we got it partly decomposed and put it in piles ready to spread...but the hens took over and in a week had done a pretty decent job of it :p

They also do a decent job of knocking down the ants...you know...those little black sugar ants that take over the kitchen in spring...if I get my girls out early in Spring, I have little ant or weed problem.

Lady of McCamley
My chooks loves Cyprus Pine leaves. I pick them the leaves all the time. I don't really like feeding my girls and boy grapes because they swallow it whole and I fear they may choke on it
The dandelion plant from top to bottom is very nutritional, the roots are even proved to help fight against cancer. I pull the plants whole and toss them into the run & coop. My ducks and chickens LOVE them.
Why waste dandelion on chickens? The young plant its delicious prepared like spinach. Best early in the year before it starts to Blossom.
On the other hand, I throw most anything in the run, plant, meat, non citrus fruit, berries. They tear apart anything and eat it. Three are a few plants that are bad for them, some they don't like, but overall, most anything is fair game.
I don't want to be negative but I can't believe the lack of research a lot of these people have done before getting chickens. They are omnivores, so yes they eat almost everything, the favorite of which being animal meat but also including: weeds, grass, fruits, some vegetables but most leafy greens, grains, noodles, insects, worms, eggs, egg shell, old leftovers (without mold and rinsed), bread... Limiting your hen to meat free pellets or what have you is not natural. Giving them random treats all of the time will make them fall in love with you and save on your feed budget. People warn about not having the correct nutrient ratio and it affecting laying productivity. This may be true but they are not egg factories, they are pets that bless you with eggs when it is healthy for them to do so, I get 5 good sized eggs a week from each hen and they barely eat any feed. Just be sure to have oyster shell or baked or boiled and crushed egg shells out constantly to keep calcium levels up.
I agree. People should know that animal protein is their first choice. If you have them in pens with little to choose from, sure they love dandelions, but mine walk past dandelions all day long because they are cruising for bugs. They will have a little salad from time to time, but it is not their first choice.
My funky chickens love lobster. I have no dandelions in the yard since they moved in. They have a lovely dust bath in my strawberries but haven't eaten any of them. Fine by me! The lack of ticks in the yard is my favorite. I absolutely love them. Chickens rock. I love a good dose of chicken TV every night when I get home from work and let them out to run around for a couple hours.

funky chicken line up:
4 Aricaunas
3 Golden Polish
2 Buff Polish
2 Barred Rocks
1 Buff Orphington
1 Blue Andilusion
1 Black Jersey Giant

I can't wait until they start laying eggs! They're 3 and 4 months old now.
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