d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Ace is becoming just like him, too. He is a shoe biter, but only after roost time. During the day, he is usually a sweetheart.

Snapped pics of some of them today, but I have to sneak in a picture of the mother of all the Coch'Anvers, my 4 year old lav banty Cochin, Shadow. She's getting over her molt. Here is the "Purple Princess".

Shadow's Coch'Anver daughter, Opal:

Lucy, that sweet thing. She is a doll! Ace has a thing for her, it seems.

Ace with Lucy, his love interest:

Mina, who I am trying to sell with Aubrey. She's one of the larger pullets I've had. Lucy is very petite.

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My run away lived another night. He was sneaking around all evening agravating the other roosters in their pens. My attempt at apprehending him ended with him 40ft up in a white oak tree. Then he messed around till dark and I have no idea where he went. At least now I can answer the question " How high does the fence have to be to keep a d'anver from flying over it?".

Here are some of the birds I have bred this year. They need some more work but it takes time, and I am learning alot.

My millies most are laying.

Buff columbian cockerel

Buff columbian pullet

Porcelain pullet

Blacks out of silver quail and recessive white.


Thank you for posting your photos...I love seeing what my babies will look like when they mature.....Your photos helped me name some of my colors.
Love the other ones too especially the silvers..
How old were the Milles when they began to lay?

I'm getting ready to separate the colors into separate breeding pens because the little roos are beginning their dances. I also need to separate out the OEGB from the d'Anvers.
We have extreme heat (in the triple digits for weeks) so I have them housed inside with a swamp cooler for the time being.
Hee-hee, my roo flirted with the Jersey Giant today. She chased him all over the place.

I was walking back and forth from the house to the barn today and whenever I was walking I heard a little "pitta-patta-pitta-patta-pit-" of Ders following me. I would walk normally then turn around really fast, and he kept stopping so fast that he would trip. It was sooooo cute and sad at the same time!

He tried to attack me once today, but it was more of him just lazily running into the back of my leg.
Oh Rufus is a mess! I am the only one he does not "flog"...he bites me and then plows into my lap. Everyone else he full on flogs...I mean repeatedly bouncing off them. LOL That is why Speckledhen made me come get him...he was being a major nuisance at her place and he lurves me. We swing on the porch swing and visit my mare together (solely because I get a kick of him when his eyes bug out).

I swear I have never seen a rooster with so much expression...when he is frightened or excited his little eyes bug out and get really wide open. It is hysterical. There were a couple times I was afraid I was going to have to call Cyn and ask how to put his eyes back in his head. hahahahahaha

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