d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Just checking in to say hey on my bi monthly chance to get on the computer again

Lord I'll be glad when things slow down a bit here, gonna make an old man out of my, my chin is getting full of the, well what I call "blonde " hairs... not sure what to make of them??

Good to see the ol thread is still kicking along. I'll try to keep checking in as often as I can
Hey Aubrey good to hear from you.The runaway has been captured. I let some others out in the yard this evening and he joined in with them. When they went to bed he followed and the door was shut.

JJ glad you caught the escapee. Little snot is lucky to still be alive. They never realize how good they have it.

Hiya Aubrey! Glad you stopped in....we miss ya around here.
hey JJ guess what....it's still raining here.... every single day seems like any more.....

good to see all yall again, gone try to get back to my normal routine of daily check ins
The runaway has been captured. I let some others out in the yard this evening and he joined in with them. When they went to bed he followed and the door was shut.

Glad you little guy has been caught. And thanks for the answer about the egg laying....mine are 3.5 months old so it will be a while.
hey JJ guess what....it's still raining here.... every single day seems like any more.....

good to see all yall again, gone try to get back to my normal routine of daily check ins
Hope you are not drowning!

Here are pictures of my little d'Anver pen babies at 3.5 months. Counter clockwise from upper right
Mille Fleur roo, ? may be a BBR or Ginger roo, Buff Columbian Roo, Mille Fleur roo, Black pullet, tail of a Buff Columbian pullet and a Mille Fleur pullet.

The three Porcelain are on the right...Thats a Spangled OEGB lurking in the back left.

Same pen I don't know for sure what variety the one on the top left is...maybe a Ginger roo.
The Mille Fleurs are varied in colors...darker to lighter and more or less white, but all are healthy and spunky.

And three pullets that wer in the other pen...
I think this one is a Mille Fleur and she climbs onto you shoe and pecks you leg until you pick her up...a real cuddler.

and this one a Buff Columbian...

But not sure on this one.... she sure is a sweetie.

I'm having to separate the OEGB and the d'Anvers soon...Right now they all get along, but the closer we get to egg laying, the more feuds there might be....of course I could separate the boys from the girls.....
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Glad you little guy has been caught. And thanks for the answer about the egg laying....mine are 3.5 months old so it will be a while.
Hope you are not drowning!

Here are pictures of my little d'Anver pen babies at 3.5 months. Counter clockwise from upper right
Mille Fleur roo, ? may be a BBR or Ginger roo, Buff Columbian Roo, Mille Fleur roo, Black pullet, tail of a Buff Columbian pullet and a Mille Fleur pullet.

But not sure on this one.... she sure is a sweetie.
The second roo from the top (in the first picture) has got to be a Quail. The pullet could be a brown red. What color is her breast? If it is laced like her hackles its brown red, if it is rose colored bb red, it it is goldish with no lacing quail. I think.

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