d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

First off Cyn. KLF is not "dreaded" it is a wonderful thing. :).

The babies are so pretty.

I have new designer pets hatching...ie bantam Cochin x d'annver....and Aubrey I has a question....

Can I get porcelain out of this?

First cross. D'anver roos (MF roo and Porcelain Roo) over bantam lavender hen gave us Lavender chicks and black splits.

Second generation...lavender coch'anver roo over lavender hens and a black split hen...

Resulting babies lavender and what appears to be a porcelain.





But, JJ, they're teensy bantams so they don't eat that much. I keep telling myself that to make myself feel better about overwintering all these extras.

Congrats on your ribbon!

oh, LH has new babies and one looks porcelain to us. Is it? Is it??
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Cynthia, yep they are little and don't eat much, mine go through about 250lbs a week. I remember when I only had 12 chickens. Maybe it is just fate and you are destined to keep them.

Now LH, where have you been? My guess is about you chicken is if your ... lavender coch'anver roo is split to mottled you could get something close to porcelain, like in between lavender mottled and porcelain. Hope its bare legged.
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That coop is 8x8, plus the front 4' storage area. I have 7 adults (2 roosters, 5 hens), plus 8 "teens", so that is only 15 birds total in that 64 sf of space. The problem is the roost space is getting a little tight because they all want to roost on the top bar and the youngsters are getting so big now at 13-15 weeks old and almost adult size.
That coop is 8x8, plus the front 4' storage area. I have 7 adults (2 roosters, 5 hens), plus 8 "teens", so that is only 15 birds total in that 64 sf of space. The problem is the roost space is getting a little tight because they all want to roost on the top bar and the youngsters are getting so big now at 13-15 weeks old and almost adult size.
I am sure they will figure it out.
Cynthia, yep they are little and don't eat much, mine go through about 250lbs a week. I remember when I only had 12 chickens. Maybe it is just fate and you are destined to keep them. Now LH, where have you been? My guess is about you chicken is if your ... lavender coch'anver roo is split to mottled you could get something close to porcelain, like in between lavender mottled and porcelain. Hope its bare legged.
Sorry my nemesis I have been I'll but am on the mend. I have been strategic planning for the invasion of my hairy legged horde as usual. They all have KLF of course and all of the parent and first generation should have the mottled gene from Cyn's MFand Porcelain roos...yes? Congrats on your ribbon JJ that is a very pretty bird.
Baby five is here and appears to be a black split like my hen Shadow. Three others pipped and one will a tapping chick inside. Woot they could all hatch q full day before their due date....

See JJ my babies rush to join the HLH! Muahahaha

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