d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Yeah I was pretty sad when i lost him:( I just noticed that recently about the comb style. I don't know what the mother hens breed was, it was just a barnyard chicken I guess lol heres a old pic of her (she died also:(


Heres her when she was sitting on the eggs that hatched out to be pengu (my d'anvers son)


Heres pengu when he was just a little chick. He was solid BLACK. Hes changed soo much since then lol


I added this one agian so you can see the difference between the ages

Yeah I was pretty sad when i lost him:( I just noticed that recently about the comb style. I don't know what the mother hens breed was, it was just a barnyard chicken I guess lol heres a old pic of her (she died also:(


Heres her when she was sitting on the eggs that hatched out to be pengu (my d'anvers son)


Heres pengu when he was just a little chick. He was solid BLACK. Hes changed soo much since then lol


I added this one agian so you can see the difference between the ages


CUTEEEEEE he had tan little eye-liner LOL
Thanks for the pics, I hate to hear she's gone too! The chick actually looks almost to be a quail chick, pretty much black with a tan face, he just had the eye liner tan is the only difference. Amazing how much he did change growing up isnt it, you wouldnt have ever thought from a chick, that was what he'd end up being. I still love his adult color pattern, the speckled breast is nice!
They're just a gorgeous as I imagined if not more! I can't wait to get some of those sweet little birds! I'll have to occupy my time by making everything perfect for them and by staring at the pictures over and over!

Did ya get some new pictures of the bantam phoenixes by any chance too? I know there's another thread for that one but I thought I'd ask here anyway.

I love your birds! Ocellated turkeys and all! (Edit: guess I saw a picture posted where you were looking for them? Did you ever find them?)
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Thanks Scratches...

Yep, like Rareroo said, I put some of the phoenix over on his thread for them, also took some new ones of the seramas, crevecoeurs, mottled houdans, and silkies. We hope to be reworking the ol website over the holidays if I can get time, and get my wife to sit down here with me, she'd the web builter I just feed them and take pics, no idea how to work those website builders, LOL
But we hope to get it all up soon. Still waiting on all the tails to finish up on the peafowl and we'll get them on there too.
As for the Ocellated turkeys, one of my peafowl breeders in Texas has them, and I REALLY want some, but they dont breed well in captivity, and they are about $3000 per pair when available, but I'm on his list, if he gets some.
Have you ever seen a pic of them??? They are unbelievable!

Glad you liked the d'anvers, we got ya on the list, just let me know what you want when ever you are reday.
See ya
ok im here what did i miss? cool you got the pics up.. sorry im posting from the psp so i cant see um.. :[ glad everyone likes um tho!!!
Brey's_girl :

ok im here what did i miss? cool you got the pics up.. sorry im posting from the psp so i cant see um.. :[ glad everyone likes um tho!!!

WELCOME TO BYC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, you have to get on a computer so you can see the pics, they're AWESOME !!! , I'm planning on going and seeing them in person thursday,

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