d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Mine are from a local breeder, but I'm not sure where hers came from. Does your runty one look like mine? :) That camera's an old Canon 5D classic. I keep wanting to upgrade, but then...chickens.
Mine looks like yours but a little longer body and longer beak. But it is pretty much the same. It hatched a little bit later than the others so maybe it is just a 'runt'?
Do d'Anvers have frizzle or silke or sizzle feather type? I looked in the standards and it doesn't speak about body feathers, only furnishings. Is the feather leg gene present?

Perhaps I should assume that unless it says otherwise, all feathers are smooth?
Do d'Anvers have frizzle or silke or sizzle feather type? I looked in the standards and it doesn't speak about body feathers, only furnishings. Is the feather leg gene present?

Perhaps I should assume that unless it says otherwise, all feathers are smooth?

All if it doesn't say otherwise, all feathers are smooth.

d'anvers have clean legs.
I asked because I'm trying to sort through a mixed batch of chicks I hatched under a broodie. The most are Seramas, but there are two Modern Game Bantams. We were kinda hoping for d'Anvers or Wyandotte to hatch. I was sure one of the shells were marked d'Anver, but only 2 chicks are not obviously Serama. The other marked eggs were under a different hen and did not hatch. The one that was d'Anver colored and marked has now sprouted frizzle feathers. Which is really fine, I wanted a grey Serama. There is one wee black chick with a lighter underside, black bill, black comb, and yellow legs that I am wondering about. Its feathers are more fine like a silke though. Since all that I have hatched have been Serama or Serama-x I do not know what other chicks should look like. The Moderns are pretty easy to spot, they remind me of NBA basketball players - all legs and feet. At what age can you tell that a comb is not single?
I asked because I'm trying to sort through a mixed batch of chicks I hatched under a broodie. The most are Seramas, but there are two Modern Game Bantams. We were kinda hoping for d'Anvers or Wyandotte to hatch. I was sure one of the shells were marked d'Anver, but only 2 chicks are not obviously Serama. The other marked eggs were under a different hen and did not hatch. The one that was d'Anver colored and marked has now sprouted frizzle feathers. Which is really fine, I wanted a grey Serama. There is one wee black chick with a lighter underside, black bill, black comb, and yellow legs that I am wondering about. Its feathers are more fine like a silke though. Since all that I have hatched have been Serama or Serama-x I do not know what other chicks should look like. The Moderns are pretty easy to spot, they remind me of NBA basketball players - all legs and feet. At what age can you tell that a comb is not single?

I can usually tell right away. Do any have puffier cheeks?
Hatch day:

A little later: (along with mom, Modern Game, extra small Serama, and regular sized Serama. the black chick wasn't hatched yet)

Next to the black one that doesn't quite look Serama:

Twelve days later. Grey and black chicks:


At this stage I'm thinking that the grey, who was ID'd as d'Anver at birth via those photos, is a grey frizzle Serama. This is a little bit of a mystery, there are no grey Seramas in our lines for at least 4 generations. The black has the choice of d'Anvers, Wyandotte, or Serama. I'm thinking it is going to be a silky Serama as of today - or just a really soft smooth. I've never had a chicken with rose comb so I have no idea what a rose comb chick looks like when it is born and I have been at loss to find a picture that zooms in on a newborn comb. The gray was a huge chick at hatching even compared to the Moderns, and UGLY! He still has the heaviest legs. Thus my wondering if he was a d'Anver having a bad feather day. All these breeds are kept separate, the Seramas are not even in the same barn as the rest. The non-Serama eggs were marked, I was certain I had a shell with a D on it (for d'Anver) I thought that the M's were W's until I saw the chicks. They are definitely Moderns, not Wyandottes.
@Boggy Bottom Bantams, check in post-storm! I know you and Pine Grove were in the path of it down there in the eastern corner.

@Backwoods Bntms , JJ, have you heard from Aubrey lately? I was thinking about all his open face pens and all that water coming in. Hope all's well with him and William down that way. Did you get anything? It was nothing here, too far west to be more than our normal windy rainstorm at this elevation.

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