d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Maybe that means yours will be girls
I had 4 hatch and 3 turned out to be boys.

What other colors hatched?

Well I have some Cukoo, Blue Cukoo, Lavender, Black, Dun, and Blue.

Top photo is dad of the babies. Bottom picture is of baby d'Anvers and their big sister. It was time to clean the brooder box and I let them hang out. Everybody seemed to get along and big sis didn't poop on anybody.
I don't know if this will help you or not, but a few years ago I had a d'uccle rooster that had a mystery bump right on his cheek. It was rock hard and just kept getting bigger and bigger. I took some clear fluid tinged with a bit of blood out of it, but it would just fill right back up. Eventually I took a clean razor blade to it and inside was a large yellow semi-soft mass that came out in one piece. I packed the open space left behind with antibiotic ointment and let it heal on its own and he was fine.
I don't know if this will help you or not, but a few years ago I had a d'uccle rooster that had a mystery bump right on his cheek. It was rock hard and just kept getting bigger and bigger. I took some clear fluid tinged with a bit of blood out of it, but it would just fill right back up. Eventually I took a clean razor blade to it and inside was a large yellow semi-soft mass that came out in one piece. I packed the open space left behind with antibiotic ointment and let it heal on its own and he was fine.

I have seen that on occasion with a feather follicle that clogged up. Since chickens incapsulate infection into those cheesy masses, what happened to your rooster makes sense.The issue here is more complicated, I'm afraid. The mass goes over each side a bit so is quite large. I'm not sure where to cut and if I did, I may only be introducing more chance of infection. Imagine a golf ball under the skin at the oil gland, then imagine it stretching out at the sides and spilling over each edge of her back. I checked again yesterday, trying to find a "way in". I can't find a logical place to lance it. It's just bizarre. I hate being stumped. I may try again today, maybe stick a needle in again, but I'm not sure it will do any good.
Update on Maura. She's the same, bone thin, still eats, drinks, flies to roost. I have examined her repeatedly and can find nothing I can do about this. Repeatedly draining fluid will not fix what is causing it so I'm leaving her alone.

Hey, Karen, did you see that guy jumping on my sale thread on FB to lecture me about making my hens lay? I had to lecture right back, I'm afraid. And he associates with the "sport" that shall not be named as well, so I lambasted him about that, too. He's telling me to add a light to the pen (in spring, so he obviously has no idea what a light is actually for) and to feed them some concoction with onions and oyster shell, that they'll start laying in a week. Good grief. Then, he proceeds to advertise his incubator on my egg thread. Grrrrrrrr. I tried to be nice. Tried. I'm sure my irritation came through, though.

You also asked about a Paypal issue on FB. That usually happens when the person is new to Paypal, Karen, the waiting period. It happened to me and Ladyhawk when she set up the Blue Roo Creations site, though she was not new herself but had to set up a new email for the store. They may not hold it for that long-it didnt seem to take as long as they said it would. I'm not all that familiar since she handles the Paypal stuff for us.
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