d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Does anyone know the inheritance rate of wattles? Of course the cockerel with the best size, structure, beard/muff, hackles, and temperament has huge (well, huge for a d'Anvers) wattles hanging off his face
. Aside from those he's looking pretty fantastic. 8.5 weeks and his beard/muff are already quite large, he has a nice full mane of hackles even before growing in his long feathers, and he's just this petite but cobby-bodied little thing. Since I'm just breeding one or two chicks to get my black d'Anvers pullet pet and both my hens have absolutely no wattles at all I'm considering using him for breeding anyway, but I'd still prefer not to have those big wattles pass on.
I'm not breeding that much and b/c of egg stealing I often don't know who was the real mum, but my first in rank rooster Schnute, has real big wattles for a d'anvers (and a x-beak), coming from a hen with no and a rooster with small wattles, his two sons (with dif. hens without wattles) how ever show only small wattles and not one of his chicks has a x-beak.

Everyone told me that his chicks would have x-beaks and big wattles, but the only thing all his chicks show is the big comb.

This is Schnute (Snoot)

His daughter Piep...quite a comb for a hen.
Crossbeak is most always genetic, certainly, though on occasion it can be from an incubation problem. Even if chicks may not show the trait, they would carry the gene. Any I had in the past were euthanized, all males. Never had it in any of the D'Anvers, never a pullet, but she'd probably be culled as well so as not to pass on the gene. Seems mostly I see it in Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas for some reason.

Once, I hatched a German New Hampshire with one eye and a crossbeak. He did grow to adulthood (a friend took him on since I had not decided what to do with him) and died suddenly for unknown reasons. When there are deformities you can see, there are often ones you cannot and that was probably the case with him.
Does anyone know the inheritance rate of wattles? Of course the cockerel with the best size, structure, beard/muff, hackles, and temperament has huge (well, huge for a d'Anvers) wattles hanging off his face
. Aside from those he's looking pretty fantastic. 8.5 weeks and his beard/muff are already quite large, he has a nice full mane of hackles even before growing in his long feathers, and he's just this petite but cobby-bodied little thing. Since I'm just breeding one or two chicks to get my black d'Anvers pullet pet and both my hens have absolutely no wattles at all I'm considering using him for breeding anyway, but I'd still prefer not to have those big wattles pass on.
Sorry, I don't have an answer for you on this one.
Next year, maybe, I will see, if Piep has Schnute's x-beak. As I lamented here, all the boys have to leave for camp freezer.

And Schnute only stayed with me b/c he was the calmest of his year. I didn't intent to breed with him, but my hens had other thoughts. His half brother Kopernikus is still with us, lives in his own little coop and run to prevend blood shed and he is the one I would love to have chicks from, but his hens just don't feel like breeding at the moment.
Carly is finishing up Day 6 with her five eggs. I candled them yesterday and the only one that seemed clear was her own. I got an egg from Aimee today that makes me question whether or not the rest belong to her and her alone. Sigh. I really did not want to do Aimee's and they are all much smaller than her normal eggs, but so was the one from today and I know it is hers because I was there. All I want from them are those pullets she used to throw all the time for Lisa Waycaster. I don't intend to keep any of them, female or not.
Thanks, ragnarok100, for your comment. Yup, it is an assortment of five colors, but I offered to take "others" not on my list. This will be veeeery interesting to watch what the babies morph into. Hope, I will get a goodly portion of hens in the straight-run group.

I have basically no experience breeding d'Anvers, but I would NEVER save any chicken with a cross beak for breeding. By doing so, you are still selecting for that trait. It WILL show up again, as it is quite inheritable in all of the chicken breeds I have been familiar with.

Personally, ... I would hesitate to save a "big-wattled bird", for breeding, as well. But often we have "narrowed choices" when we have an otherwise-good bird. Again, please remember that I am a newcomer to d' Anvers. All of us, have to work within the animal populations that we presently have. Perfection doesn't exist as yet?

In genetics, it doesn't work out in reality....To breed Tall Peas with Short Peas, and come out with Medium Peas. No such thing. You can strengthen your "desired DNA results" with every new generation though. But selecting for more than one trait at a time can be difficult for small breeders of any critter. Nix, the "cross beak" from your matings.

Got kinda Nerdy thar.......

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