d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I'm sorry about tha Misty
I acutally sent you two e-mails on them.
On that ebay auction you were looking at, the blued one was a blue buff columbian, the second pic similar bird with no blue was his dad, just a buff columbian
I got those by breeding my bb reds to the millies, it takes the mottling out, and what's left is buff columbain pretty much.
The following year I blued them up on my splash birds, back bred the following year and got the blue buff columbian, now using him on the millies agan to get the blue millies.

He looks some what the same to me, though his younger pic looks like a blue red

Hard to get a good look at his over all color from the pics, but can defianletly tell he had a millie parent some where in there, so that would give a columbian base of sorts.
Is he the only one you have that looks like that?
pics from the first set would be inpossible to sex
but on the older group I can do that for you.
PIC 1-2 are males, see that solid orange tan color coming in? All the birds you have like that are males. Also see the comb on them? Note how it's getting a nice wide base too.

PIC 3 is a pullet, not no patches of that solid body color, comb base is very narrow, and the color coming in on their backs are tan and black laced, not solid. All the ones like that will be you girls.

from the group pic at the bottom, looks like 2 males 3 females, males on left pullets on right. You can see them better in person though, so look for that color difference in them

Look fat and happy too!
hope to have you one Debbie.
Had a run for extemely crappy luck over the past few weeks.

Took oh 2-300 half grown chicks out of the brooders and put them in the grow out pens that are 50% sheltered, pretty big area.
Got these massive summer thunder storms to come threw right after that and in one night lost 70% of them. The idiots all sat out in the rain all night instead of taking 3 steps into the coop.
I about died the next morning when I walked out and saw that....Just wanted to crawl in the house and die...still hoping to get you one though, maybe the rest are intelectual bantams...never had anything like that in all my years
pics from the first set would be inpossible to sex
but on the older group I can do that for you.
PIC 1-2 are males, see that solid orange tan color coming in? All the birds you have like that are males. Also see the comb on them? Note how it's getting a nice wide base too.

PIC 3 is a pullet, not no patches of that solid body color, comb base is very narrow, and the color coming in on their backs are tan and black laced, not solid. All the ones like that will be you girls.

from the group pic at the bottom, looks like 2 males 3 females, males on left pullets on right. You can see them better in person though, so look for that color difference in them

Look fat and happy too!

So if I understand correctly, the ones with the orange patches of color and wide base combs forming are males (including Gazpacho, who acts like the boss) and the ones who are more solid overall and little coloring are girls? They are all doing great, especially since I moved them into the large brooder in the basement, where it is much cooler. They love to fly at each other and jump up on my arm and sing to me. So far, so good - with my first go at raising chickens!!
So sorry to hear about your birds Aubrey, and I had the same thing happen to me the other day. A big storm blew through and we got torrential rains for half an hour, then back to sunshine and heat. I went out to check everything and I had several youngsters that, for whatever reason, didn't go inside. I only lost one blue wyandotte, but several were soaked and needed quite a bit of TLC to stay alive. VERY aggravating, and not even close to what you lost, but obviously my chicks are as dumb as yours are.
and well at least I'm not in the boat by myself there. Yep had the 1-2 here and there thing before from it... bad thing was , these were all raised in out in the open brooders, with roofs on them, so they had been in the rain before always knew to go in the large boxed in end of it. Put them in a pen and the loose their minds.

Bad thing for me was it started right at dark that night, so I just assumed they were all in the coop on the roost and fine, went to work the following morning, came home to feed up and just got sick at what was there.....
It was a freak horrid storm though, 40+ mile winds, God aweful lightneing and some of the heaviest rain you've seen
Just my luck I guess

At least I have about 75 or better left from them and another 200 or so in the brooders again

Yes you have what I was saying right. lighter Deep rich solid body color, male
darker more brown and laced body color female
Yikes! Sorry to hear you lost so many babies, Aubrey. That really sucks! We had a really bad storm here too on Monday. Blew in suddenly with 40 mile an hour winds and hard rain. My three girls were out in the back yard but were back in their coop when the storm hit. Smart chickies!

Hey Aubrey...I'm just yankin yer chain. I'm in no big hurry. If need be...even spring is ok
I'm sorry about tha Misty
I acutally sent you two e-mails on them.
On that ebay auction you were looking at, the blued one was a blue buff columbian, the second pic similar bird with no blue was his dad, just a buff columbian
I got those by breeding my bb reds to the millies, it takes the mottling out, and what's left is buff columbain pretty much.
The following year I blued them up on my splash birds, back bred the following year and got the blue buff columbian, now using him on the millies agan to get the blue millies.

He looks some what the same to me, though his younger pic looks like a blue red

Hard to get a good look at his over all color from the pics, but can defianletly tell he had a millie parent some where in there, so that would give a columbian base of sorts.
Is he the only one you have that looks like that?

I'll see if I can get a few more pics of him for you to show color/pat a bit better. No, I have 2 others coming up who are very similar...1pullet and a cockerel. Thanks or the help...I'll post what pics I can later today


A big hungry momma coon got into our pen and ate some chickens. My older son 'took care' of the coons. We lost Audrey (cutie in the back); but Agatha and Hurcule survived. Mostly without a LOT of feathers. My younger son was planning to take them to the fair in October. We have moved them into the garage for pampering, and put them on a high protein diet. Any hopes that the will refeather decently in 3 months?

I'll take some pictures and post later of their current pathetic state.


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