Dark Brown Leghorn - M or F?


Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
5 Straight Run Dark Brown Leghorn. Age 4 weeks - might be too young, but took what I hope are helpful pics of each of the 5 birds. Curious if we have males (odds would say we do have males), but wondering which ones. My guess is that DBL 2 is a male (but just an uneducated guess). Here are the pics:
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Can you please post pics of their combs at six weeks? With leghorns, at this age cockerels are pretty obvious. These are most likely pullets, but a few weeks will make sure!

Most likely pullets. When I had pullets, I got a rooster with them so I know one when I see one.

WOW! That would be great if all are pullets, but 1 rooster would have been ok too. I was worried about having 2 or more roosters out of the 5.

@Emojikitten, what would look different in a male at this age?
I haven't had dark brown leghorns before but I see a plumage difference in the breast feathers between 1&2 vs. the rest. 1&2 also have a bit more color to the comb to go with the flashier shade of red. IdI wait a couple weeks and see what happens.
Not Brown Leghorns. Those look like Partridge Rocks. And they all look like pullets at this point.

agree with Keesmom and junebuggena

Hopefully they are not Partidge rocks. The hatchery doesn't even sell partridge rocks, so that would be interesting. Once they lay, a Partridge rock lays brown eggs and a leghorn lays white eggs, so that will be definitive, I guess. Also, the feather design will also become more obvious as it looks like the PR will have "v" markings on the feathers. I can see that there are lines on these so, I can see why they look more like PR.

I haven't had dark brown leghorns before but I see a plumage difference in the breast feathers between 1&2 vs. the rest. 1&2 also have a bit more color to the comb to go with the flashier shade of red. IdI wait a couple weeks and see what happens.

Yes, I see this difference now that you pointed it out. We will wait and see!

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