Dark comb on rooster this morning PLEASE HELP!


10 Years
Feb 25, 2009
This morning I went outside to let the birds out and noticed my Roo's comb was very dark, almost purple. He was walking a little strained, went to drink water and whatnot though, still on his feet, but a little tipsy. I read somewhere that this could be heart failure? Please help, what's going on? Can I help him?
That's what I've read, though I'm sure there could be other causes. I'm guessing it is a circulation problem, whether due to heart or another cause.

Best of luck.
He's very lethargic, like he just wants to lay down all day, but when I come see how he's doing he's completely aware of his surroundings, watches me closely and stands up sometimes. He seems too tired to make any noises, which is strange for him, just yesterday he had a nice strong crow and was having a crow off with the kids who live next door. As soon as i brought him inside I dusted him with D.E. and put some in his food, but I haven't wormed him or anything.

The only other symptoms I could tell, he had a very watery/white poop since I brought him in. He's been eating and drinking ok enough. Any thoughts?

ETA he's a 2 and a half year old partridge chantecler.
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I went to the vet today with my hen who has watery/white poop. She was diagnosed with Cocci.

Not saying that is what you roo is dealing with, just thought I might suggest a possibility.
Does anyone have any experience with Avian Cholera? He passed away 10 minutes ago, I was with him and I'm kind of worried it was partially my fault for bugging him a lot. I lifted him up to examine him and see if anything else was wrong, and I noticed his legs were asleep (they still had feeling/moved back into the position they were in before, but he wasn't moving them himself, I think maybe from sitting down in the big been all day). I left him alone for a bit, put the chickens away then came back, and lifted him up again to see if he had the feeling back in his legs, and this time he seemed disturbed by my moving him so I put him back down. He seized up, passed another very wet, white stool, then he died. I'm really really sad, he was a great rooster, treated the ladies right, was never too rough, I've had him since the beginning, I'm really going to miss him.

I'll post pictures up tomorrow, but if this is something that can spread then I'm also very concerned, and input/experience would be very helpful.

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