Dark Cornish - are yours good layers?


8 Years
Nov 28, 2011
Just curious because I have read that Dark Cornish only lay 30-60 eggs per year max, and often more like half a dozen to none! They are considered very poor to non-layers??? However, my DC is the first and only of my 20 week old pullets that is laying.

She has laid 2 eggs now. I never expected to really get any eggs from her, so I SURE didn't expect her to be the first to produce! Weird !
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I have 2 Dark Cornish hens... and only one lays- the other does the announcement.

I only get maybe 1 to 2 eggs every 2 weeks. They were originally made for meat, so we shouldn't expect them to be like Leghorns
Thanks! Yeah, I know they're meat birds. I don't even care about eggs since I don't eat them but I do like to look at eggs. I was just shocked that of all the breeds I have, the Dark Cornish is the first and only to be laying. LOL, figures!

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