Dark purple, tumor or something on comb.


Jul 17, 2016
Okay, I'm new to the whole chicken thing. I have two 4 month old hens, neither are laying yet One, seemingly overnight, obtained a tumor looking growth on her comb. It seems to be getting darker by the day, she's has had it for about 3 days now. She's acting normal, playful and energetic, poop looks normal in colour and consistency. It is really hot here, all I'm not sure if that plays a factor.

Any ideas???I just can't decide if I should be worried or not yet.
Welcome to BYC. That is strange. Could she have had part of her comb get tangled in a small string or even a hair that cut off the circulation? Could you possibly take a picture from the side or a different angle?
The growth seems to have gotten smaller and more dried out almost. Definitely seems like it's coming out of the comb...

She won't sit still very long. This was the best picture I could get.
Update: about 6 days into the growth that basically appeared out of no where. It seems to have shrunk drastically, and basically looks like a raisin flopping on her head. Still keeping a close eye, but hoping it just falls off.

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