Dark spot in egg


10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
I have one egg with a dark spot around the middle of the egg it did have some defined veining orginally im on day 9 right now i candled it this morning and i cant really see the veins now does this mean it died?
That did help alot for future candling im still not sure about the egg though i guess i will be able to tell forsure in another few days anyhow. It seemed to be doing fine im not quite sure right now another few days will tell if there is no more development i guess.
If it is a dark ring, it is dead.
Just a dark spot floating in the middle of the egg looks like a embryo but no veins to be seen im assuming at this point its bad i will give it another few days.
I dont know, cause some of mine are Dark Black Riings, and others Are Bright Red rings, so I dont have a clue, wish I could help ya.
It could well be dead, but that doesn't mean it'll automatically go bad.
You could probably leave it in right up till day 18 if you're not sure about it.
I have had this happen too, just a little dark spot bobbing around! There is not always a blood ring with deceased emryos so I would definitely give it a couple days to make sure. I have had eggs over the years that I was convinced had passed on and then they hatch (normally later in incubation though). Good luck on your hatch

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