Dark Spots Under Shell?

Josh Clarke

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 22, 2013
Portland, Oregon, USA
Some of my eggs have dark spots that appear to be right under the shell. One of my egg customers told me that it means the eggs are getting old. She has started questioning if I am giving her "fresh" eggs (we agreed she'd pay $5 every Sunday for all the eggs that were laid on Thursday, Friday & Saturday). I've noticed the spots right after the eggs are laid. What are the spots and what can I say to ease my customer's mind?

Some of my eggs have dark spots that appear to be right under the shell. One of my egg customers told me that it means the eggs are getting old. She has started questioning if I am giving her "fresh" eggs (we agreed she'd pay $5 every Sunday for all the eggs that were laid on Thursday, Friday & Saturday). I've noticed the spots right after the eggs are laid. What are the spots and what can I say to ease my customer's mind?

That's normal pigmentation. Every hen produces her own characteristic shell color and shape of egg. The shell color will change some depending on the length of time she has been laying. Your neighbor is most likely used to brown grocery store eggs which are laid by a "super layer hybrid" type of chicken, most likely bred for a more uniform shell color. What kind of chickens do you have? Your chickens are also most likely getting a more natural diet. I'm only guessing here, but it may be possible that increased nutrition ie: access to fresh greens and insects may give her a nutritional edge in producing pigment. You can assure her that she is getting excellent nutrition for her buck compared to store bought eggs. You might want to google a comparison of nutrient betw store and home grown eggs and give her a copy. I'd also let her know that if she's not happy with the characteristics of your eggs, that you can let an other customer buy them!!!
Thank you for the reply. I have 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Easter Eggers. They are free to roam on my quarter acre lot. They eat plenty of greens and bugs and I also saw one of the Buffs catch a small lizard and devour it. I feed them a layer feed with an Omega-3 supplement.

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