darn fox!!

Sorry. We went through this last year, and I hoped this spring would be different. But I got home from work at 8:00 this morning and was staring blankly out into the backyard at my 12 hens when movement in the trees caught my eyes. My first thought was "How did Cookie get out?" (My golden cocker spaniel) Then it hit me FOX! I went running out barefoot and shrieking. Two foxes broke from the brush and tore off back into the woods. The hens never even saw them! They'll be back.
An update to my previous post puts us at two additional mornings without even the barn cat in the trap. I am using cracked raw eggs as bait. Is this bait alluring enough for a fox? Does anyone think the two mornings that the cat was in the trap has clued the fox in to the ambush if it was around those mornings?

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