Darn, some more dead babies...


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
West Virginia
I did an eggtopsy on my five remaining Silkie eggs. One looked like a dud to start with, and this did not surprise me, because when I candled it and put it in the hatcher, I thought it looked really iffy.

Four had little perfectly formed chicks. Just dead. Feathers, feet, yolk all absorbed.

So WHY did they not hatch?

What would be the most likely cause of this?

I am going to start all over at square 1 and see if I cannot get to the bottom of it, but would really like some thoughts as to why they did not hatch.

At least just looking at them, they did not look too wet or too dry, especially, to my ignorant eyes.

I am going to send for a better thermometer and hygrometer, I guess.

I should have five little Silkies scratching about, not one. I am getting tired of doing in eggs.

Dead chicks are always disappointing. I hope you find the problem and a solution soon, 'cause I've got nothing. Good luck!
Well, I do wish you much luck.

My plan is to get new instruments and start over, slowly this time, not trying to stagger hatches, that sort of thing.

One hatch at a time.

I'm so sorry.
Were they shipped eggs? I had this happen my last hatch, 5 full formed dead chicks. Although these eggs were packed well, they must have underwent a very rough shipment, because all of the air cells were damaged. During incubation, I noticed some weird shaped air cells.....I think this caused the chicks not to be able to turn and hatch out properly.

I am trying a different turning method this time around, they are due to hatch in a couple of days. One thing I noticed on the ones that had damaged air cells, was that the didn't develope the really strange shaped air cells. So I am alittle hopeful,
although having said that...I don't have a too good of record at hatching shipped eggs.

Instead of turning them three times a day, like the guy I bought the incubator(anicent sportsman) from, I am turning them a small degree at a time...about 7 times a day. I am not sure how someone that has to turn manuel in a table top could do this, because one would have to open the bator so much. But in my cabinet, I can do it without opening the door....so it's do able.


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