daughter keeps a headache since she gave birth 2 weeks ago

I can;t believe your Dd Dr wouldn;t see her straight away. That sounds a bit off to me.
The headache for 2 weeks is deffinately not right. Personally I would have taken her to the ER - she can get better checked out there as they have better facilities than
an ordinary Dr. Really it isn;t worth putting this on the back burner for any length of time!!!!! X ambulance - I have seen lots of stuff - so please get her checked out PROPERLY!!! If your Dr just passes it off don;t wait - get a second oppinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Headaches SHOULD NOT LAST TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!

Stress can cause this and your Dd has been under so much lately, but you have to be mindful of clots and all that, there is a lot of pushing and stress involved in birthing a baby and the vains in the head and behind the eyes are very vaulnerable to this.

Oesdog -
Love much - honestly if she procrastinates - give her a big kick up the rear her child NEEDS HER!!!!!!!! I would if it was my Daughter!!!!
and like you I am a new Granny!!!
Our Jess and Dotty are doing well
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It's possible that she didn't press the issue. I've seen some people make appointments for themselves when they need to see a doctor urgently but don't want to go. They tend to downplay the problem and accept whatever appointment they're given. Especially when they're depressed, and it sounds like Chixie's daughter may be.

I'm glad she's seeing the doctor today. I hope they're able to help her feel better quickly.
Sinus infections are horrible. I was having one every other month till the doctor sent me to the specialist. Found out I was suddenly allergic to everything! I take allergy meds now, and it keeps the sinus infections at bay. She might want to try sleeping with a humidifier, that makes a HUGE difference for me. I'm glad she was able to figure it out. When I get a sinus infection headache, I'm ready to throw up by the second day. I don't know how she tolerated 2 weeks!
Mountain Cedar and Ragweed are going crazy around here... I know I'm allergic to Cedar/Pine so no surprise that I'm cloggy/headachy. This is what Fall in Texas means... spring too, but not near as bad as Fall. One more reason I LOVE summer... it's so hot everything DIES. Anywho... Went to Kroger and asked the pharmacist nose spray or sudafed type stuff or both and he said you can take both, but start with the spray and then if that doesn't do it add the sudafed stuff. Oh and he did say it's safe to take on top of my Claritin.

Your girl has already been to the doc, but for any others suffering might be worth a mention.

I'm just SO relieved it's something this simple. Horrific, don't get me wrong, I've had some DOOZIES over the years, but simple in comparison to some of the other things it could have been. Thanks SO much for letting us know!

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