Day 17 of 2nd Incubation.13 Alive and Kicking ! Egg Carton hatching ??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 15, 2009
Reed City, MI.
So, I had to share because out of 17 eggs I tried to incubate last time only 5 made it. 6 if you count the chick that died at 6 days old. SOOOOOO>>>>> I am VERY EXCITED! Hope they all hatch!
My question is, I would like to try and use an egg carton to hatch this time to avoid the rolling around of unhatched eggs ( I believe that the last time many of my chicks may have drowned due to excessive rolling after first few were hatched).
I have no idea how to do this and any help would be appreciated. Do I just lay eggs sideways in egg cartons and hope they pip and zip well enough to get out? Do they have a problem with pushing their way out? Thanks !
So I've done it both ways...for the egg carton method I cut off the bottom of the cups to allow air flow, then just stand them in there like normal air cell up. For ducks it's the only way to go for chicks I don't like it...the chicken eggs I lay on their side, put down non-skid drawer liner so they aren't rolling on the wire. I nestle them all together towards one side of the tray so they don't have much space to roll around. The problem I had with the chicks in cartons were with the few weirdos that pipped too low on the egg. They couldnt get out when in the carton, but hatch ok when on their side.
Yes, that was my fear, that they wouldn't be able to hatch properly in the carton. I don't have any non skid drawer liners so I still need to figure out how to keep the hatched chicks from rolling the unhatched around so much...last time it was pandimonium!!!! Wow !!! First few chicks were crazy knocking the others around...I know that is part of the reason I only got 5 out of 17. I think they should make little indents in the baters to hold the others steady..... Maybe I should patent that ? LMBO! So, back to research......Thanks for the response !
I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this myself. I am new to hatching, and would love hear ideas.
I considered using the egg carton method this time but didn't. After I saw how the just hatched chicks play "kick the can" with the other eggs, I might try it.
I'm sure that is why one of my chicks turned itself around to the small side of the egg after it had allready zipped half of the large side. I lost track of where it was in the incubator for a few hours. It was absolute chaos in there! I'm wondering if this is not the real reason all of the eggs don't hatch. The late to develop chicks don't stand a chance against those hoodlums.
I look at it this way a momma hen doesnt say "hey you got an egg carton for me. This is one of the best hatches I've had and I didn't use egg cartons and yes they are playing soccer with the eggs. I used an egg carton once and had a pipped chick smother due to it pipping at the side of egg. Lots of people have good hatches with them I'm just one opinon. Good Luck

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