Day 18 Temp hike to 110F, how long before I smell or know


9 Years
Aug 2, 2010
We guarded 4 eggs with temperature control at 102 (still air) for 18 days. Candelling looked good.
On day 18, we were out all day and came back to find temp at 110. Dont know for how many hours,
we were out all day. Went through usual emotional roller coaster.

Now, the question: How long do I continue to keep the eggs in the lock down before checking them ?
Do they smell in incubator if the chicks are dead ?

Started this batch on: 4/24/2012. First time incubating in homemade incubator.
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I would continue until you smell something..My last batch got to 108 for two hours at day 15...Maybe there's still a chance!!
Will try and resist the temptation to open. How long before smell starts ?
its day 22 today. no pips, no movement.
Honestly I don't know..I would just quickly open it to smell an egg every 4-5 hours or something...Did you candle them??
i have not candled them since temp hike episode with fear of shrink wrapinf, if they are still alive. will candle one tonight. air smell through incubator holes is ok.
I candelled them and did not see movement in any except one. One of them looked like something exploded inside.
So opened it by carefully cracking at the top of air cell. Its full grown chick with hair that looked like exploded thing on candelling.

Then broke another rule by panicking and opening other 3 at the air cell:

1 internally pipped and breathing -
1 seems like blood, I may have picked on membrane
1. still with blood vessels in the membrane - no blood leaking

I am leaving all 3 with wet towel wrapped around. Is there anything else I should (or should not) do to take care
of these little one and hope for the best ?
That's awesome they're alive!!!!!!!!!! Just don't open the incubator keep the humidity up, and keep them hydrated!:)

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