Day 2- Take Out / Leave In


11 Years
Nov 27, 2011
It is day 2 and 11 of my 17 eggs have hatched. Should I take out the first bunch of chicks and move them to the brooder or just wait and see if the other 6 hatch today? At what point do I give up if there are still a few eggs left unhatched?

I would take them out. The chicks will be OK for 72 hours in the incubator but will be better if you get some feed and water in them. Most likely the remaining eggs are not going to hatch so I would take care of what I have. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. That certainly is not an original quote,but I do not know who said it.
That's the direction I was leaning. The older chicks were a little rough on the new ones late last night and that was a concern as well.

Thanks Dick! Can't wait to get those RIRs!
I would assess the situation. If I had no visible pips, I would pull the chicks that are dry, and leave any that are wet a bit longer. If I had eggs that are actively pipping and zipping, I would wait until they hatch and there is a lull before opening the incubator. Opening it at the wrong time could shrink wrap those that are pipping and zipping. Good Luck with your hatch!!
Yeah, the eggs left have no pips whatsoever. I quickly removed the chicks (all where dry) and added a bit more water to bring up the humidity. Fingers crossed on the rest...

Just out of curiosity... all my BCM eggs went first, then my Light Sussex. Is that because of the radiant heat in the bator? I was just wondering if dark eggs absorb more heat?

Okay, here comes my "geek" post: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," is attributed to 16th century Spanish writer and poet Miguel de Cervantes! I learned this in college -- $47,000 well spent, I'd say!
Good job! Well spent education!

Just to update everyone... nothing all day... and then one little fellow made an appearance 20 minutes ago! Guess patience is a virtue!

Hoping for another one or two...
OMG... that's great! I had nightmares days before the hatch begin... one dream none would hatch... the next dream all would hatch... I was exhausted by the time they finally made an appearance!

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