Day 20 and no pip

How's things? Any news? I would candle if I were you

I hatched mine in an egg carton but on their sides (big ends slightly up). In that way they were in a natural position plus no rocking from the already hatched chicks.

Mine are all out now (the ones that meant to come out). Nine in total (last one hatched a few hours ago - it's day 22). I'm really pleased with the results. After last time this seems like heaven
Just thought i would post an update for you guys. My egg hatched today 18 hours into day 22. It's a lovely wee chick that i have been glued to for the past few hours. It is currently sat under my tshirt to keep warm. It looked lonely in the brooder
. And every time i speak it talks back.

I was going to post a pic but i don't know how. I have uploaded it. Just can't work out how to get it onto the forum. I'll scour the website and come back.
Thought i had replied to this but obviously not. My chick just hatched this morning
18 hours into day 22. It is adorbale. It is currently sat in my tshirt keeping warm. It looked so lonely in hte brooder
. I think i have gone slihgtly mad about this chick.

I think it's a narcoleptic it just KO's in my hand and has a wee nap. Then gets up and goes mental again. Also it loves to have a wee chat every time i speak it chats back.

Here it is snuggled up to it's dalmation toy:


p.s maddensaccord sorry to hear about the rest of your hatch. My chick is just like yours alone in it's brooder. Hopefully i will have friends in a week though. Hope your mission to find it friensa is succesful.
Thanks Muscovymad. Your chick is adorable. My fiesty little one is holding her own. She likes to run up and down me and poop on me. Here is a pic


She does like to talk a lot! I'm working on getting her some friends.
OMG I love those dark chicks
They are gorgeous!!
MM- it's great to hear your chick made it

Here are mine:


I have to get them a bigger box. They're so lively, running like mad and going to need more space soon.
Aww your chicks both look great Mine has decided it is a penguin and keeps sitting up on its bum to sunbathe under the light. I think it is quite happy with a wee human friend instead. He is going to be so confused when the rest of the chicks hatch.

The talking is getting slightly irritating though. However i have found that if i let him out on the floor and let him follow me about the house then he gets tried and falls asleep which gives me some rest. He is like an excitabel puppy. Lol.

Plus now that he is even fluffier i have been trying to take more pics. However he is really camera shy and keeps turning his back on the camera. Or running so fast it can't focus.

p.s madsenaccord i have managed to avoid being pooped on so far but i know it's only a matter of time.

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