Day 21 Egg with hole in shell moving but not pipped


8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
Massachusetts, USA
If I lift back the corner of the tape I can see the white membrane. All the veins are gone and the chick moves a tiny bit. When can I help it hatch? It has not pipped.

5 others have hatched already. THe last one pipped but needed major assistance as it was up side down. These eggs were stored pointed side up at room temperature. I was notified of this at time of purchase. I really Really REALLY want these eggs to hatch as they are pure Ameraucana.

ANy suggestions on how to help this baby make it?
The pointy end goes DOWN! Candle the last egg and determine which end has the air cell. Using a sharp instrument, chip away egg shell at the air cell end and see if the chick is still alive. If it is alive, continue chipping shell until you get to the membrane. Check for vessels and proceed as appropriate. All hatching eggs must be stored and set with pointy end down.
If the chick hasn't pipped, how will it know to start breathing? I'm afraid to open it and have it not take the next step and breath.

checked on it--it's gone.
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