Day 21 no movement


5 Years
Mar 25, 2019
Its day 21 of incubation, and i am yet to see any movement or hear any chirps. Ive tried to tap on the side of the incubator and play chirping sounds, but nothings happens. Is this is in any way normal or does this just mean theyve probably died :hmm?
Candling and handling the egg usually will stimulate at least one chirp. Look for movement in the egg. Give until day 23. if humidity is low you may need to put a vent hole in the egg to make sure it can breathe.
It depends. I usually see some signs of pipping or cheeping by day 21, but if your temperature was low then they may be behind. I certainly wouldn't give up yet. Have you candled recently? You are hatching chickens, correct?
My first chick hatched right after i posted! It is chickens that i am hatching, and another one has pipped, but hasnt done anything else, nor have i heard anything from it. Should I just leave the hatched chick in there for another day or get it out? Its moving the other eggs by walking around in there.
Hopefully your chicks hatch. Sometimes things take a little longer than expected.

When your hatching out eggs.... It's very important to be patient.
True! First just hatched after I made the post. One has mad a little crack in the egg, but I dont see or hear anything else from it. Should I just leave the hatched chick in there?

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