Day 21 on chicken eggs and nothing, what should I do?


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
South East TN
I candled my eggs on day 18 before I upped the humidity to around 60% and all four of them were kicking around in the eggs. At 8:00 tonight, they will complete 21 days of incubation. I keep reading about "wiggling" and "pipping" and "cheeping".... I'm not seeing any of that.

Also, on day 18, I put in a few sponges to help with the humidity. I had a bag of new sponges on the counter and I asked my son (5 yrs) to wet them with warm water. He brought me sponges - but not the new ones. He brought me the ones that were in the sink, ready to be thrown away. I didn't realize it at the time, but the next day when I was checking on the eggs I noticed a foul smell comming from the vent.
The sponges were nasty gross and the incubator stunk. I quickly (day 19) removed the eggs/sponges and put them back in there and got the humidity right. In the minute and 1/2 - 2 minutes that they were out of the 'bator, my 3 year old grabbed two of them with traces of chocolate on her fingers. I didn't notice it to even try to wipe it off until the next day (20). I was trying not to hover since I didn't wnat to be tempeted to open the bator. I didn't wipe them off, I didn't want to stress them more than I already have been... and then I started thinking about the toxins/sugar that is in the chocolate and it passing through the egg. It is not a lot, but it is there.

Now... here we are on day 21 and nothing. Could stinky sponges, chocolate, or just having to take them out of the bator for 2 minutes kill them?

As I'm typing this, I'm thinking the answer is yes.
Give them more time. Sometimes they take a bit longer. I don't think that the chocolate would hurt anything. The bacteria on the old sponges may be a concern, but I would give them longer. I have heard of them hatching as late as day 24 or 25.
Take a deep breath ... and maybe go somewhere or do something other than wait for little peeps.

It's kinda like the 'watched' kettle that never whistles.

Cause they'll be com'in soon as you're not looking
Does anyone else have experience (or guesses) with the chocolate or stinky sponges? (Probably not, because I'm the only one that wouldn't notice a 3 year old handling the eggs -or- accidentally put a gross sponge in there.) Just hoping!
I don't think either would have an effect devastating enough to kill your eggs, especially in such a short time and not all of them either. You probably just have a late hatch if its only day 21!!!! Did you start your day count, counting from day 1 the day "after" you put the eggs in the bator? Anyway, there's probably one pipping right about now....., better check! Good Luck!
I don't think either would have an effect devastating enough to kill your eggs, especially in such a short time and not all of them either. You probably just have a late hatch if its only day 21!!!! Did you start your day count, counting from day 1 the day "after" you put the eggs in the bator? Anyway, there's probably one pipping right about now....., better check! Good Luck!

Ha! Made me look! LOL... I read on here somewhere today that I should be whistling at them to encourage them to hatch... I think I've lost it!​
I always find that when you talk to them, like, "come-on chicky, chicky chickies" and keep saying it, they hear you and start wiggling in their shells.... I'd definately be doing it at this late time1 They also seem to bond to your voice very good after hatching, if you continue to do so!!! Let us know when you annoy them enough to want to break at of their shells and quiet you down!

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