Day 21 tomorrow and still no "pips" today?

Why are you wanting to assist? Are they stuck or shrinkwrapped? If not, leave them alone. At this point, either they'll hatch or they won't. Sometimes "assisting" can cause more harm than good.
And while I'm on the topic, I would like to mention that you shouldn't handle eggs 72 hours prior to hatching. At this point the chicks are moving into position for hatching and handling the eggs can hurt them.

I beg to differ, gentle handling IMO will not hurt eggs even up until hatch time, I regularly candle and handle eggs on the last few days, even after they external pip and sometimes after... Have you ever monitored how a brooder bird handles eggs, or what happens when the first chick hatches? Brooders have no idea what hatch day is or when it's 72 hours before hatching they flip, turn and rotate the eggs up until the second they hatch just like any other day, and they are not even always gentle about it... Also the first chick out always runs around bulldozing every other egg in the clutch, especially in an incubator... There is no 72 hour lock down, no handle period in nature...

In my experience if the egg if viable 3 days before hatching I have not personally seen any ill effects that could be contributed to gentle handling even that late...
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Just wanted to update and say that there are two babies so far. :) I can see them peeking out from underneath my hen ^_^
I beg to differ, gentle handling IMO will not hurt eggs even up until hatch time, I regularly candle and handle eggs on the last few days, even after they external pip and sometimes after... Have you ever monitored how a brooder bird handles eggs, or what happens when the first chick hatches? Brooders have no idea what hatch day is or when it's 72 hours before hatching they flip, turn and rotate the eggs up until the second they hatch just like any other day, and they are not even always gentle about it... Also the first chick out always runs around bulldozing every other egg in the clutch, especially in an incubator... There is no 72 hour lock down, no handle period in nature...

In my experience if the egg if viable 3 days before hatching I have not personally seen any ill effects that could be contributed to gentle handling even that late...
i just had my first hatch, and yes, the first chick runs around the incubator rolling other eggs and no damage done :)

What a great shot. I love to see a broody with chicks. Nothing more natural. I have a banty buff Japanese sitting on 8 eggs and they are due to hatch on Tuesday! Cant wait to see them....
Thank you

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