Day 21 under broody and nothing happening


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
Milford, OH
I have a buff orpington with two eggs under her at day 21 and nothing is happening yet. How long should I wait? She is still turning them every so often, is that normal? I was under the impression that after day 17 they don't leave or turn them anymore. I did candle them at day 7 and they looked good, but haven't checked them since.
Sounds okay...that last day takes soooo long. I also was waiting and waiting, turns out she did have some chicks but kept them quiet when I was there. When I waited out of sight I heard the peeps start again.! Some times it can take three days for all to hatch, she will leave the nest when all are done.
Day 22 now come and gone......still nothing. I've seen the eggs under her, so I'm sure they haven't hatched. She still turns them a few times an hour. I'm losing hope:(

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